Daily Egyptian wins 22 Illinois College Press Association awards for second consecutive year

By Staff Report, News Desk

The Daily Egyptian won 22 Illinois College Press Association awards for the 2019-2020 school year. This is the second year in a row the DE has taken home 22 awards. 

(See more: Daily Egyptian staff brings home 22 Illinois College Press Association Awards)

There were 27 schools and a total of 985 entries in this year’s competition.


Jan Thompson, director of the School of Journalism, said she is proud of the staff at the DE and this shows that the SIU School of Journalism can compete with the most highly regarded journalism schools in the state.

“The awards, across several categories, [are] a testament of the talent that we have on this campus,” Thompson said. “The editor-in-chief, Rana Schenke, a fashion [design] major, is responsible for the solid leadership of the DE staff this semester. Congratulations also to Eric Fidler, the faculty managing editor, for overseeing and helping the DE achieve this triumph.”

Emily Cooper, editor-in-chief for fall 2019 semester, said the DE represents SIU well and this is a huge accomplishment. 

“Bringing 22 awards back home is impressive and something to be proud of,” Cooper said. 

Eric Fidler, faculty managing editor and advisor to the Daily Egyptian said the awards were “nice.”

“I’m proud of our staff, which has fewer people than the Daily Illini has on its editorial board,” Fidler said.

The Daily Illini, the student newspaper of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, earned 21 awards at the competition, according to their staff.


The awards are listed below.


Editor in Chief Rana Schenke, a junior from Algonquin, Illinois, received first place news story for her coverage of the city hall protest.

(See more: Carbondale community members protest, call for mayor’s resignation)

News Editor Kallie Cox, a junior double majoring in political science and journalism from Springfield, Illinois, won third place for in-depth reporting for her coverage of SIU’s disproportionate referrals of black students.

(See more: Black students are disproportionately cited for drug-related offenses at SIU)

Jeremy Brown, a former arts and entertainment editor from Champaign, took third place for a critical review of “Shazam.”

(See more: ‘Shazam’ shows DC can compete with, and beat Marvel at its own game)

Brooke Buerck, a sports reporter from Perryville, Missouri majoring in English, received an honorable mention for her feature story about the poor farm cemetery. She also placed third in the headline writing competition for “More than just a jersey: Saluki equipment department keeps athletes in gear.”

(See more: Grave Hunting: SIU unearths lost historical cemetery on campus)

Jacob Lorenz, a staff reporter from Effingham, Illinois working toward dual degrees in psychology and journalism, received first place for his headline “You need a yes before you undress: Omega Delta Phi hosts ‘Consent is Sexy’ workshop.”

Adam Warfel, a former sports editor from Dieterich, Illinois, received an honorable mention for a sports news story. 

Photo and Multimedia

Isabel Miller, a former photo editor from Carterville, Illinois, received multiple awards including: first place feature photo, third place sports photo, third general news photo, first and second place spot news photo, third in multimedia reporting and an honorable mention for her feature page design.

Miller and former staff photographers Corrin Hunt and Carson Vanbuskirk won first place for a photo essay. Former staff photographer Jodee Harmon won third. 

Vanbuskirk also won second place in general news photo.

See some of the winning images in the gallery below.

Social media editor Elizabeth Biernacki, a sophomore studying recreational therapy from Highland Park, Illinois and Ana Jacome, a staff photographer and photojournalism major from João Pessoa PB in Brazil, both received honorable mentions for their photos in the ICPA photo competition.

The photo competition takes place during the conference and participants are given a set amount of time to explore the city and take a photograph that fulfills the prompt. This year’s prompt was relationships.

Elizabeth Biernacki | @elizabethb_619
Nicholas Dangelo and Christian Taylor, of Rockford, keep each other from falling on Feb. 21, 2020 at Maggie Daley Park Ice Skating Ribbon in Chicago, IL. Dangelo said the two began dating a week and a half ago and decided to go ice skating on a whim.
Ana Luiza Jacome | @aluizaphotography
Stewat Rogers carries 4-year-old jet lagged Thor at Eataly, an Italian marketplace in Chicago, Friday, February 21, 2020. Stewat and Thor came from England on Thursday, February 20, 2020, to visit Stewat’s sister.


The Daily Egyptian staff received third place for editorial cartoon and second place for entertainment supplement.

The issue submitted in the entertainment supplement category was the spring 2019 Brewfest edition with a cover by former DE designer Peyton Schnurr and interior design and layout by Reagan Gavin, Sloan Marion and current design chief Erin Douglas. 

Graphic designer Chloe Schobert, a sophomore studying art from Belleville, Illinois, won third place in the advertisement under a full page category.

Schenke, the DE’s current editor-in-chief, said she is proud of the current staff.

“Despite our smaller size, our staff is able to match and surpass papers such as the Daily Northwestern, the Vidette and the Daily Illini in categories across the board,” Schenke said. “This shows the unique strengths of our staff and I cannot wait to see what the next year holds for us.”

The Daily Egyptian’s News Desk can be reached at 1-618-536-3329, by email at [email protected] or on Twitter at @dailyegyptian.

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