‘Hands Up Act’ would punish police for shooting unarmed citizens
Carson VanBuskirk | @carsonvanbDE
Travis Washington, a graduate student studying higher education from Flossmoor, poses with his hands behind his head on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019. Travis stated he believes the Hands Up Act will bring down tension with the police department because it provides protection for unarmed citizens.
February 7, 2019
UPDATE: You can view the petition discussed in the article by clicking this link.
Travis Washington, a graduate student at SIU, is attempting to push for a piece of legislation that would make it illegal for police officers to shoot someone if the person is found without a weapon.
“The ‘Hands Up Act” was an idea I created to prevent police officers from shooting unarmed citizens,” Washington said. “We’ve seen all over the country, where citizens have been shot unarmed without any guns in their hands, such as Terence Crutcher, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. After they were shot unarmed, these officers have never served any prison sentences.”
Washington said that officers who shoot someone who is unarmed should serve a 15 year mandatory sentence, per the act.
“What inspired me to do it [is] a disconnect between the community and police officers,” Washington said. “If we want to rebuild this trust, we need laws in order to regain the trust.”
Washington said that minorities are scared to call the police in various situations because they fear for their lives.
Another reason Washington is attempting to get the legislation passed because of resonating quote from Martin Luther King – ‘injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.’
“I have already emailed 102 U.S. [representatives], Democracy Now, and the Huffington Post. I want them to take what I have written seriously,” Washington said. “Also, the College Democrats of America, the National Civil Rights Museum and the NAACP shared my petition.”
Washington said he has emailed the NAACP and the Lorraine Motel, where King died. He said they’re going to post his petition on their website and have already shared it on their Facebook page.
“Travis and I were just having a conversation the one day about the level of allowance of police brutality, and he wanted to start a movement about it,” Yazmyne Adams, a senior studying accounting, said. “I told him that he had to start a petition about it.”
Adams said every time you look on Facebook, the internet, or watch the news – it’s always something new.
“I don’t think that it should be constantly allowed seeing how others are trying to make changes for the better in the world,” Adams said.
Washington has been working on this since December.
“For the person who shot Terence Crutcher to get their job back is incredibly disheartening and upsetting to the family members who have lost their loved one,” Washington said. “I hope that it will renew better relations with public safety and the community because I’m pro-police, it’s just there are individuals who taint the police department.”
Washington said the only obstacle he has faced during this process is not enough people knowing about it.
“If people really wanted to see a change they need to sign this petition,” Shanlane Scott, a junior studying Criminology & Criminal Justice, said.
Scott said if they we able to get more signatures it would help, so when it is time to talk to more people and political powers he will have more weight.
“One of my goals is to speak at any rally that will let me to speak in,” Washington said. “Like speaking in front of the state legislator, if I have to, or the House of Representatives on national television during the committee hearing.”
Washington’s goal is to make it a conversation starter, he said. If it’s a conversation starter more people are going to talk about it.
“It would be some type of justice,” Scott said. “We’re slowly moving to some type of equality. With law enforcement, you have to protect people, but it becomes a problem when you’re hurting unarmed people, and trying to justify by lying and saying you felt threatened.”
Scott said for the community, it would mean there’s finally some type of justice, and they’re going to slowly start feeling safe because now people in power can no longer abuse their authority. They now have to suffer the consequences.
“It would mean a lot especially to urban communities,” Scott said.
Washington said he wants to be patient and let it go where it can go.
“We need to keep pushing forward, and never give up,” Washington said. “I want the world to depend on me, that’s why I’m doing this.”
Staff reporter Emily Cooper can be reached at ecooper@dailyegyptian.com or on Twitter at @ecooper212.
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Michael knight • Apr 25, 2021 at 1:14 pm
As long as everyone understands that a knife is a deadly weapon. Clearly there are bad people of all kind. Bad cops, bad citizens, of all races. Not just white, black, yellow, etc. The problem is that all of the rhetoric is directed at white folks being racist when people of all races and colors can be racist. I’m of mixed race so I can speak from both sides as I have part of my family being white and part of my family is black. Black people can be very racist too. I know that for a fact. As for my white side, they came here through Ellis Island from Italy. They were dirt poor. They never owned slaves or oppressed anyone. They weren’t given diddly squat for free either. They all worked hard from little kids until they died. So all of this political racism driven rhetoric is driving our country apart instead of bringing us all together.
Police reform, well, that is a tough topic. I have family members (black ones btw) who are cops. It’s all about the training. They are trained to shoot to stop the perp if they threaten the life of the cop or a civilian. They are trained to shoot at the torso, the largest body mass. They are not sharp shooters who can shoot the hand, or arm or leg. If they miss and hit a civilian then they would have alot more civilian deaths.
It’s a shame a young girls was killed. A young girl who was about to stab and possibly kill another young black girl. My uncle, who is a black cop said he would have shot her too.
Here’s the truth and everyone knows it, if that black girl was shot and killed by a black cop because she was going to stab a civilian, it wouldn’t even be in the news or talked about. It was the right thing for the cop to do. The news could have reported that the white cop saved a young black girl, but they didn’t report it that way because they want to cause tension and unrest because it makes more headline news. This way they can sell more advertising and make more money. It’s a shame what’s happening and WE need to open our eyes and stop this nonsense.
David D Bowers • Jan 26, 2020 at 7:31 pm
Think carefully about how this will snowball if passed as written.
The result will be that police will not be able to stop certain crimes and will not be able to save people from being murdered under some circumstances.
There are some very large and very strong people out there. Even small scrawny people high on drugs are very strong. If one of these people are strangling you with their bare hands then the police may not be able to physically pull them off you. The officer that arrives will know the bad guy cannot be shot. The courts have already ruled the police do not have a duty to protect the individual citizen so the thought process for the police officer is already laid out, i.e. try to physically pull the bad guy off and if unable too then allow the victim to be killed. This is not a one-off situation. The 2017 FBI crime statistics show 692 people were killed by hands/fist/feet. 4 people were thrown out a window, 103 killed by fire, 8 were drowned, 88 were strangled, 108 were asphyxiated. That is 1003 people who were killed with either hands/fists/feet or something not considered to be a weapon such as a lighter. A police officer faced with the possibility of saving someone in these situations will not be allowed to shoot the perpetrator and therefore, at least in some situations, will not be able to save the victim.
Next consider this line of reasoning. A police officer and also the citizen is only allowed to use deadly force in order to prevent death or great bodily harm. Passing this law as written would equate strangling someone to be a non-lethal event. Because after all you cannot shoot someone to keep then from strangling you because they are not armed with a weapon and therefore the citizen even armed with a firearm will not have the legal right to shoot the killer.
If you think this is a crazy line of reasoning then think about this. In general, the police have a wider authority to use deadly force than the citizen does. So if the police are in a situation where they cannot use deadly force, then it is absolutely certain that the citizen would not have the right to use deadly force.
A Victory • Jan 22, 2020 at 10:45 pm
Great idea and spirit but its already illegal. We have law enforcement agencies who clear officers of wrongdoing through self-investigations and prosecutors unwilling to charge police officers for unlawful use of force. What we see is already an extralegal killing that is only made lawful because the person wears a uniform when they ended someone’s life. Even if the law passes, departments and district attorneys will not enforce it without huge amounts of litigation and opposition. Police are doing exactly what they were created to do: terrorize and kill. Reforms are nice but the ultimate goal must be abolition.
BOBBY JEFFERSON • Jan 22, 2020 at 8:51 pm
Peter • Jan 22, 2020 at 12:33 pm
The irony being if unarmed citizens ACTUALLY put their hands up then that would defuse the situation pretty quickly.
Courtney • Jan 22, 2020 at 10:03 am
Imagine how messed up in the mind you’d have to be to oppose this act.. imagine how screwed in the head you’d have to be to place a policeman’s ego over the laws. Imagine how screwed up you’d have to be to agree that cops can break the law if they feel disrespected.. cops who are actually practicing self defense have nothing to worry about.. so why would you disagree with this act..? you’d HAVE to be sick in the head.. look around America and let it sink in… there are SICK individuals out there..
Allen Blevins • Jan 21, 2020 at 6:52 pm
Unfortunately there is not a one size fits all situation. Here in Missouri, Michael Brown was unarmed and shot. The world was parading around “Hands up don’t shoot”, but the official investigation conducted by the Attorney General, Eric Holder, found that Michael, who was much larger and stronger than the police officer was trying to take the officers service revolver, with his blood evidence DNA inside the patrol car. He was not in reality hands up. Unfortunately many were caught lying about this.
That said, we can demand greater accountability and I believe that body cams and patrol car cams should be always auto on.
I’ve watched many of these videos and definitely some police officers were not properly held accountable. I’ve also seen footage that make that split second decision nearly impossible. I would also encourage people of color to be the change and pursue criminal justice in their community to create a better presence. I cried reading about the young boy in Ohio who removed the orange paint from his otherwise realistic gun that he aimed at the police. Where was the “village” that should have been teaching this young man?
Greater accountability is needed, and I will cite the example of Eric Gray that died being arrested in New York. If one digs into the facts, the arresting officer in charge, who could have halted his takedown at the first sign of distress, failed to do so. Sergeant Kizzy Adonis was the officer in charge and she did nothing to intervene. She was never held accountable, possibly because she was a minority black, Kizzy Adonis. That was not justice for Eric Gray nor for Sergeant Adonis
Michael K • Jan 20, 2020 at 10:29 am
This is the most ineffective proposal for a law I’ve ever seen. This will do LITERALLY nothing. I’m pretty sure it is illegal to shoot someone unarmed already, doubling on it does nothing. You want real change? Protest the hell out of police stations, every single day. Force them to fire police that are constantly doing wrong.
Still realize their job is stressful though. Reaching into your pocket suddenly when they see you is stupid because that makes it look like you’re about to do something. They don’t wanna die either. Plus, this happens a lot in dangerous cities. You don’t go into a war zone and be stress free, it is mutually exclusive. Police are people too, can we expect police to be of higher standard than us? They are the embodiment of the US after all.
Deshun Harris • Jan 20, 2020 at 7:50 am
Police should be prosecuted for killing an armed citizens
Deshun Harris • Jan 20, 2020 at 7:48 am
Police need Accountability
Kayla L. W. • Jan 19, 2020 at 8:48 pm
Of course it’s a great idea, we have many of them. Unfortunately until one of them re-words the exact same idea to benefit them, I doubt it will come to past as one of ours. It’s always their idea to “save_us”! I think when ever we make eye contact with any officer we should throw our hands up to show we know that the system was not meant to protect “us”! Our way of taking a knee standing up!
Deb • Jan 19, 2020 at 11:34 am
This needs to happen, because the truth is their are just as many criminal cops as their are other people committing crime. This is a out cry for humanity. Sure, their are good cops that needs to quit looking the other way. Many join to be a cop do that they can get away with doing dirty deed. Once a dirty cop is found out they should get the same punishment as anyone else. Everyone life should matter, cops lives should not be value more than anyone else. We all bleed the same have family and love ones. No one’s life should be minimized. Everyone fears for their life, this epicdemic of killing has to stop and the excuses that goes along with it. Why are theses law makers protecting the criminal cops? They rather have bad cops killing unarmed people and get sued than to put a end to this corruption. So, the question remains why cops that kills unarmed people not punished? Because the people that sit high are the ones that are the real shooters.
Tony Cooper • Jan 18, 2020 at 9:18 pm
I’m sorry. Someone gets what sounds like a good idea and expects everyone to get onboard. I was a police officer for twenty years. I never shot anyone, but there were times, it could have been warranted. You make it sound like the majority of policeman are out to end a life. Concentrate on the reasons for crime in the black communities, the murder rates, the blatant disrespect for authority. Look at the rising forcible felonies in Chicago, in broad daylight. Hands and feet kill and mame more people than guns. Walk in my shoes, I have had serious batteries occur, with no weapon involved. What do you do, if the offender is holding a person over a balcony and raises his hands in submission. You cannot second guess any situation, by making a blanket policy.
Dan • Jan 18, 2020 at 10:55 am
It has been decided in the supreme court on four separate occasions that police are not here to protect and serve the community/public. They are a revenue stream of the state, and they protect and serve the courts. If we want protection and safety we are the ones who have to provide it. I had a conversation with a Pennsylvania off duty police officer and he informed me one of many dirty little secrets of police departments are the bigger the department the more laxed the hiring policy is. He even once had a friend in the department that had a felony charge. They hire criminals to arrest criminals how stupid is that? No wonder they abuse their power. No one knows they hire criminals so we let them
Thomas L Smith • Jan 18, 2020 at 10:54 am
The premise behind such legislation is promising but misses the point, by reason that it is white cops who have the tendency to shoot first and deal with the fallout aftward. I believe that a better solution would be to pass legislation that would force the police to reflect the District, County, Town, or City with respect to the demographics of said locations. If your city has 80% of people being of color shouldn’t the police department be 80% of people of color? People of color are reluctant to call the police in fear of a white police officer coming with an itchy trigger finger, and in need of a vacation. This phenomenon exists only in said locations where people of color are the majority. This does not happen in a predominantly white area, because these areas are patrolled by white police officers who are less likely to have the tendency to shoot first. What is problematic about this idea is that a police officer can easily say ” He/She was bringing their arms down and I shot out of fear for my life”. Or ” I couldn’t see His/Her hands and i feard they might have a weapon”. Or “It looked like a gun to me”. There are too many problematic scenarios where this kind of legislation will hurt the good cops who are not so trigger happy and are doing a good job. God forbid a good cop pulls over a person who has a charge of weapon possession on file, and the cops is privy to this as he makes contact. What does the cop do at this point? The cop will then gamble with his/her own life. Pull my gun and hope there is no weapon, but “i will shoot if i think i see one”. Don’t pull my weapon and hope there is no gun. Let’s take cops who have a natural fear of people of color and replace them with cops who love their people.
terri L Spicer • Jan 18, 2020 at 3:15 am
thank you
ALPHONSO DUNBAR • Jan 16, 2020 at 5:13 pm
Makayla Buchanan • Jan 16, 2020 at 4:15 pm
Nobody should be invincible. Let’s make a difference
Dave • Jan 16, 2020 at 11:25 am
Attend a police academy, earn the badge, and you set the example…..
Antia Davis • Jan 15, 2020 at 7:40 pm
I wish it was clearer but it’s at the very top of the article. It says to view the petition click here.
Here’s the link:
Nikea Simmons • Dec 12, 2019 at 12:18 pm
God bless this is a start.
Peej • Nov 5, 2019 at 7:20 pm
Where is the petition? Is it posted somewhere under the story so that we can sign it. I think he is doing a brave, great thing.
Vincent Brown • Nov 5, 2019 at 12:17 am
I am for this if it would help save lives. Too many people especially of color are being killed instead of arrested.
Scott Gurtel • Oct 4, 2019 at 2:13 pm
The article started out with three examples. Two of them very good ones. But be careful with some. When pushing for a “Hands Up” act be sure to reference instances where the person didn’t resist arrest. Cases like Terence Crutcher and Philando Castile. Neither resisted in any form or fashion. If you resist, that should negate any protection under the “hands up” act.
Katherine Flinner • Oct 3, 2019 at 1:05 pm
I think that they should be punished for what they do just like everyone else is
Timm • Oct 3, 2019 at 7:39 am
Terrible idea due to the fact that young black men and women already have their hands up and get handled like they’re being wrestled for their weapon or some shit. Good intention with this legislation but far too late for this to be taken into consideration. Should’ve been done about 4-5 years ago
Carrie Bordenaro • Oct 1, 2019 at 9:34 pm
Although it’s hard to know how many people are killed by law enforcement in America because no system is in place to accurately count the deaths, some say it’s upwards of 3-5 citizens per day. Let that sink in. My question is why only 15 years?
Andrea Clayton • Oct 1, 2019 at 8:52 pm
I think your idea is wonderful. Contact Dr. William Barber with the Moral Monday Movement and Poor People!s campaign. I believe he may be able to help you further your cause.
Good luck and God bless you
Kimberly Jones • Oct 1, 2019 at 6:57 pm
This must pass
Amanda Turk • Aug 23, 2019 at 7:06 pm
This is great news it gives hope to the American people that no matter who you are you shoot and kill someone you need to be held accountable no questions asked. I pray this goes through God knows we need it .
Johnny Black • Jun 23, 2019 at 5:24 pm
Hoping you really get to make this act law. I hope white people and rich people will actually uphold this law in court. We all know white people and rich people have a more pleasant relationship with cops
Sandra Rivera • Jun 19, 2019 at 3:28 pm
This is ridiculous to me I am sorry it just is. I have read the petition and a unarmed innocent minority getting killed every week no I do not think so. Yes there have been instances were innocent people have been getting shot but every week is a stretch.
Rose Johnson • Jun 17, 2019 at 4:34 pm
My son was shot by Seattle Police on May 8, 2019 in his apartment shirtless and in his boxers. The body cam was uploaded. Its absolutely incomprehensible to me. One of the officers that shot my son, has shot other people on calls. We must force laws to change, stop the profiling, stop and
asses the situation before killing people.
Kemara • Jun 12, 2019 at 2:11 pm
I speak for the youth . We are dying at a very rapid pace right now and nobody seems to care at all. It’s time for us to put our fucking foot down and take back our lives !!!!
Monica Ruiz • Jun 11, 2019 at 5:16 pm
it would help them be more open minded and not assume they are armed, they will actually try and see if the have a weapon
Peter Mason • Jun 8, 2019 at 10:16 am
Let’s be honest. They police are there to protect themselves and each other, not the public. This would be a great step toward justice and reconciliation. I didn’t see a link to the survey.
Dave • Jun 6, 2019 at 11:06 pm
I turn 61 in a few weeks and have been a police officer for over 30 years.
I’ve never fired my weapons during the course of my career. I came close a number of times, ounces of trigger pull away from shooting someone.
The reason I didn’t shoot?
Compliance with my commands. PAY ATTENTION and COMPY.
The place to litigate is the courtroom, not the side of the road with the officer. When you are resisting or arguing your case, do it with an attorney.
Things to do to keep from attracting the police’s attention.
1. Don’t do stupid things, in stupid places, with stupid people at stupid times.
2. I want you to be successful in life. To do so dont violate laws where you are going to interact with the police.
Isobel campbell • Jun 4, 2019 at 10:40 am
I think that is an idea in the right direction. You’re right, something has to give, because there is starting to become a huge divide between the people and police &/or the government. Good for you for making a stand and wanting to make a difference.
April • Jun 4, 2019 at 7:34 am
I speak for thousands of minorities ……we can only take so much mental abuse
Allyssa • Jun 3, 2019 at 11:15 am
Not to be a stickler, but MLK Jr quote is “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” 🙂
Alan Perry • Jun 2, 2019 at 9:22 pm
As a black man with several law enforcement officers in my family, I see this as an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS law. Many criminals carry concealed weapons that they draw when they think they can be successful using them. {Police have to make split-second decisions, particularly if someone is not being compliant with their commands. It would be better for this young man to start an educational campaign to teach how to handle interaction with law enforcement. Further, our younger generation needs simply to be taught some MORALS, and MANNERS. They need to be taught how to WALK AWAY from potentially bad situations. Don’t hang with and don’t idolize LAWBREAKERS or THE THINGS LAWBREAKERS DO. Be responsible and do things that will lead towards going home safe.
Continuing my rant. I’m sure more folks are afraid of the gangbangers and thugs in the hood than they are of the police, else they would TURN THEM IN. When someone gets hurt, who are the folks that show up to help? The police. And no one gets SHOT while giving a police report. ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH.
Maynel Singleton • Jun 2, 2019 at 8:05 pm
I absolutely agree with this legislation. This would start to hold the police officers accountable for shooting unarmed minorities. I respect police officers, but there are to many bad apples that are tainting the department. Your job as a police officer is to protect and serve communities. Police officer are to ENFORCE the law. They are bot ABOVE the LAW.
David Barr • Jun 2, 2019 at 7:06 pm
This sound like a great idea.
Joshua Wright • Jun 2, 2019 at 10:00 am
Where can we sign the petition
Tyler • Jun 2, 2019 at 1:58 am
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” I believe is the actual quote. Close enough, though. Total agreement with this idea.
Sam martinez • Jun 1, 2019 at 12:56 pm
There is already a law set in place for one person to kill another. It’s called murder. I don’t understand the intent of this law.
Susan • Jun 1, 2019 at 12:31 pm
So, here’s a question…. If this passes.. What happens once they apprehend the criminal, and they go to handcuff the criminal AFTER his hands were up…. Then while handcuffing them, they decide to start an altercation with the officer, and try to get the officer’s gun, and say break the officers eye socket while during this altercation… And then the said criminal gets back up, with his hands up, and if the criminal is a large man… Say 6’4 350lbs, already hurt an officer…. This criminal makes an aggressive step toward another officer… They can’t shoot???? Bull Crap!!! I’m shootin’ yo ass!!! Just like if you and your homie was hanging out, and someone come attacking, and you have a gun… Someone is getting shot… And ignore comes down to my life or yours, you can bet I’m choosing my life!! Simple as that… Don’t commit a crime!! Keep it that simple… Ain’t got to do with race… It has to do with character…
Danielle Brooks • Jun 1, 2019 at 9:41 am
Unfortunately this is absolutely needed. Where can we sign the petition?
Justin • May 31, 2019 at 6:10 pm
This is stupid. You know how many people have walked towards police with their hands up as the cops are shouting “stop” but they are criminals and dont listen so they continue on and try to quick reach for something when they get close. If anything let the cops shoot more of them. Dont wanna die then quit breaking the law
Geo • May 31, 2019 at 5:02 pm
This needs to happen !
Kassidy Little • May 31, 2019 at 4:27 pm
I want to sign because I do believe this is a step in the right direction, but at the end of the day there is a bigger problem that cannot be solved through legislation. They dont like to talk about Philando Castille because they cannot come up with a single excuse to justify his murder, but as Rufus Byers has showed us above the law and your life do not matter when racism is the judge.
Patricia Brown • May 31, 2019 at 4:01 pm
Hands UP! Police stop begin “JURY AND JUDGE”, arrest and take to jail. Incencent until proving quilty. People are tired of losing family members for no apparent reason. Thank you i pray this will help, what this young man is trying to do. God Bless!
Dorene Wilson • May 31, 2019 at 2:47 pm
Wow whoever came up with this idea God Bless You !
I do believe this is the first step to a solution all around the World . Minorities especially African Americans are in fear of our lives daily we fear being shot anytime we have contact with the Law Enforcement Officers .
I pray God be for this and for Justice
Michon lee • May 31, 2019 at 2:13 pm
I believe this is a bill that needs to be passed. Take back our rights and our lives.
John C • May 31, 2019 at 7:30 am
This boggles the mind. What you are saying is that if a person has their hands in their pocket or reaches into their waistband after a police officer orders them not to do so, the police officer has to wait till the person shoots him/her till he can shoot back? I have a better suggestion. How about 1. Not committing crimes. 2. Not fleeing from the police. And 3. Not resisting arrest. Nobody every gets shot who obeys the law.
Fleta W • May 31, 2019 at 6:58 am
This Law is needed because it seems like the Police have became vigilantes, every day we are seeing Police shooting at People for no reason at all except it seems like the color of thier skin. Just the other day 3 Children we’re shot in the head just because some Police Officer felt that He could get away with it. We are constantly taught not to be violent against anyone but the Police Officers now days don’t believe that this applies to them because they are shooting first and asking questions later. Hopefully this makes it safer for the average person to walk down the street where the Police are Because right now it doesn’t seem to be safe at all especially if you’re black.
Johnny Collins • May 31, 2019 at 6:37 am
Police Should be Drug Tested after every use of Force. They Should also Have Random Testing Too
Katy • May 31, 2019 at 5:27 am
Everyone here saying maybe you should obey the laws and you won’t get KILLED IS RIDICULOUS. No you don’t obey the laws you go to jail children shouldn’t be paying with there lives for stupid behavior when there young
James • May 31, 2019 at 1:23 am
Great Idea, I’ll help support this..
Wc • May 30, 2019 at 11:23 pm
Nasim Khan • May 30, 2019 at 2:10 pm
This law NEEDS to be passed and once it’s passed it MUST be enforced!!!! I support! Where do I sign?
Thomas McAllister • May 30, 2019 at 12:43 pm
Its a shame that this was the initial format when dealing with law enforcement. I am all for this bill to be adopted as well as enforced to the max.
Dustin Campbell • May 30, 2019 at 10:40 am
Joe, stop trying to justify police who infringe upon 6th amendment rights. People who commit crimes should be tried and sentenced, as all Americans are promised in the U.S. Constitution. You can’t preach 1st amendment and 2nd amendment rights, and then fall asleep when we get to the 3rd -6th amendments. That’s hypocrisy.
David Benavente • May 30, 2019 at 9:05 am
I urge Mr. Washington to do 2 things before he submits his proposal:
1. Go to your local PD, SO, or LEO agency and ask if they have a citizen’s academy program. And ask if such program gives you a quick but meaningful immersion of shoot/don’t shoot scenarios.
I guarantee you it will be an eye opener.
2. Reach out to the communities that you want to protect and sincerely ask them why when a police approaches them on the street or during a vehicle/traffic stop, what makes it so hard to follow directions to the letter and without extreme sudden movements. Ask them what makes them reach into their pockets, back, waistband, and or pant legs? Ask them why when the officer tells them to place their hands on their backs why do they tense up and fight. Ask them what makes them force the officers to take them to the ground by force?
Once he has experienced the scenarios and once he has the answers from the communities, then go back, read what he wrote again and ask himself if he feels exactly the same.
Jim s • May 30, 2019 at 8:57 am
This is the dumbest shit I’ve read in a while. Especially since none of the 3 examples cited had their hands up. Terence Crutcher was high as fuck on pcp and wasn’t complying with lawful orders. Went to his car even though he was told yo get on the ground. Alton sterling, wasn’t that the guy who was selling shit illegally and when the cops went to arrest him, he was fighting the arrest? And philando castile. Told the cops he had a gun when his hands weren’t out in the open. He was reaching for his wallet. No way for the cop to know that’s what he’s resching for. When you tell the cops you have a gun, you have your hands on the steering wheel and you tell them exactly where the gun is before moving your hands. Anything else is just stupid.
Tekoah • May 30, 2019 at 8:40 am
I am proud to see that a young black man stepping up for pur people and the injustice all over the world. It is time for officers who abuse their titlea to serve time. I too and pro-police. I have many I talk too amd like me a lot because of my parent and my personality. But just encountering one incident where a cop of our race tried something really upsetted me. I took everything ot took and the officer lost his position because a just Sargent knew what he did was wrong. So you Sir, I appreciate abd support your “Hands Up Act” 100%. No questions asked.
Rufus Byers • May 30, 2019 at 7:38 am
Murder is murder I don’t care who commits it! The bull about fearing for their life when they are armed with guns, taser, batons and trained to defend themselves but yet they choose to use deadly force. What ever happened to shoot to apprehend? Innocent until proven guilty. If they couldn’t hide behind that badge and shield and the blue code they would think before they commit murder
Devon mitchell • May 30, 2019 at 4:02 am
This is the only way our people will see a change; through a legislative process.
Kadian Wilson • May 30, 2019 at 1:20 am
Make it a felony for Police officers to kill unarmed black residence citizens. And put them in Prison for a minimum of 20yrs if they do. Very Wicked Cops they Need to Stop killing unarmed citizen’s this is Wrong the is watching.
Joe B • May 4, 2019 at 4:44 pm
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Whole lot of worthless thugs, criminals and snowflakes being keyboard warriors on here.
PS- sorry to the mom on here who lost her kid. Shouldn’t have raised a felon though.
Kimberly Bryant • May 3, 2019 at 9:56 pm
Enough is enough if they can diffuse white people whos carry guns blankly, carry guns in their hands, then they can defuse a black man with no weapon in his hand.
Michael E. Stewart • May 2, 2019 at 12:55 pm
There is a need to get rid of the laws regarding “Qualified immunity'” for our elected and law enforcement community personnel. They all should be held accountable for any illegal or unlawful conduct.
Michael • May 2, 2019 at 11:18 am
Hands Up won’t stop anything, people that haven’t did any wrongdoing have been killed; to make matters worse – they recently killed a naked, unarmed person, this system of police is spiraling down the worse path everyday & we need to pick up guns to protect ourselves from these legal pirates the corrupt system made
Mike Hunt • May 2, 2019 at 10:24 am
Mr. Washington just wasted his money on his graduate degree. His whole ideology is flawed. Police officers don’t have time to assume why you are reaching in your pocket. Go look up quick drawl shooting on YouTube. It’s possible to get a shot off in the blink of an eye. I could find common ground on the topic if it was reworded as the name implies “hands up”. If a person keeps their empty hands up as instructed and does not reach towards a pocket then this problem becomes a non issue where it’s easy to identify ill intent.
Charles Porter • May 1, 2019 at 10:09 pm
Give us the opportunity to sign the petition to help get this law passed.
John Mullan • Apr 30, 2019 at 3:51 pm
Hate to bust you bubble but Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were both armed and reaching for their guns when they got shot.
Laurssia • Apr 30, 2019 at 9:05 am
I definitely agree there needs to be a law to protect people from being killed and shot by the police if they don’t have a weapon in their hand and they know 100% that is a weapon they should not be shooting and killing too many innocent people were dying and I’m saying 100% know that that is the gun in their hand not a brush not that they think it’s a gun all over the world to many people have died I’ve seen many people with mental illness conditions be killed in my community and they don’t even have a weapon in their hand not a gun and I think that people they have mental illness they need to have a professional people meet them there when they’re dealing with those situations because the police are not trying to deal with those situations so I don’t only thing that the gun Law needs to change I think that their whole system needs to change even dealing with people with mental illness I think that they need to have somebody there that is a professional besides the police department going to these calls because a lot of mental illness people are being killed gun down and they don’t even have weapons in the hands no gun in their hand and I’m just speaking on the mental illness as well as the gum law I think that they should be charged with murder and I think that they should do man it’s very prison time 15 years automatically because they’re supposed to protect not kill so I definitely agree 100% but I just wanted to speak about the mental illness as well because a lot of them are victims of been killed by police officers just this year I know of three that have happened for sure in our commute Northside Minneapolis Minnesota and it’s a shame because my son struggles with mental illness and I have witnessed when I had to call the police always tell them to send an ambulance whenever I am calling the police it’s the most scariest feeling ever no parent nobody ever wants the call the police and a person I have a mental illness because they’re scared of what would happen when the police come I had a situation where I had to call the police because I needed an ambulance to come Northside Minneapolis Minnesota and it’s a shame because my son struggles with mental illness and I have witness when I had to call the police always told him to send the ambulance whenever I am calling the police it’s the most scariest feeling ever no parent nobody never wants the call the police and a person I have a mental illness because they’re scared of what would happen when the police come I had a situation where I had to call the police because I need an ambulance to come but what I noticed is that when the police officer came the first one he was very calm and talking with my son even though he didn’t know what was going on he has a mental illness he was having a crisis but then a second officer had arrived because my son try to get up and walk away from him so he had to call another person to help him well when the second officer arrived he open the door very aggressive he demanded everybody to get off the porch my daughter told him no we’re not getting off the porch we see all the time that you have killed People with mental illness and have shot them just recently to already had just killed three people that had mental illness before I arrived my son had a pair of scissors sitting on the floor in front of him before I called the police I pick them up and put them in a drawer as my son what was he doing with scissors on the floor in front of him I don’t even think he realized that he even had the scissors on the floor because he didn’t know but they were sitting there and they are pointed towards him why speak about this because this could’ve been a whole different situation if I would have not picked up the scissors and put them away just think if I would’ve called the police and the ambulance to come and the police officer would’ve seen those scissors on the porch or my somewhere to grab them and pick them up that would’ve gave them probable causes to shoot him Know we got to think we’re dealing with the person that has mental illness yes he should not have a pair scissors sitting on the floor but when I think demons and things are trying to kill them or get them you never know what they’re going to have in front of them or what they’re going to try to do I just think I am but I was able to pick them up put them in the drawer and it was a different outcome but the officer that Amanda everybody to get up the porch he was very aggressive but we all stayed on the porch until the ambulance came my daughter Walked her brother out to the ambulance he went outside with her that’s why am saying it’s always good to have a family member there or a person that is trained with people that have mental health now all this could’ve been a whole different outcome if I would have not been there or my daughter would have not been there if the police would have arrived like I said Punkin them scissors on the floor best to believe they probably would have shot him because they would’ve said that he had a weapon so I definitely am am in favor of this but like I said I think other things need to be addressed as well and that’s the act of people that have mental illness we need to start having these laws put in place I’m sure there’s many more stories just like mine all over the world specially with people that have mental illness majority of the people that are being shot and killed have some type of mental illness well I hope my story gets out there one day because it’s the truth and it’s a true story and I would hate for somebody else’s family to go through a tragedy of a person that is mentally illness I think that more people need to be trained with the situation so not only does the officer need to arrive in an ambulance but they need to have a mental illness professional person to work with the police department
Kay Ingram • Apr 25, 2019 at 10:50 pm
Also include brutality of any kind bc instead of killing now they will beat them til almost death. Be specific with this.
99% of the time they are beating ppl too for no damn reason.
PapaSan Farrakhan • Apr 25, 2019 at 3:26 pm
It’s to get active. Because we definitely not going to do anything physical
Lisa • Apr 25, 2019 at 8:46 am
I’m all for it
Tidewater El Bey • Apr 25, 2019 at 6:08 am
To Mike who came up with the lightning theory. That works fine if you’re not black!
Get real! And another thing, Florida is the lightning capital!
Mike • Apr 24, 2019 at 7:43 pm
You have a greater chance of getting struck by lightening than being unarmed and killed by the police! Please put some time into researching your cause before you speak.
Kerry • Apr 24, 2019 at 9:27 am
It’s crazy that we have to make a separate law for an act that is already against the law. But as we’ve seen, the cops think that they are above the law. This new law is needed because cops think that they are untouchable and that they can do anything and get away with it. There should also be a law that punishes cops for beating unarmed citizens who are not resisting.
Chris • Apr 19, 2019 at 9:54 am
Unarmed does not preclude someone from being a deadly threat.
TRAVIS P WASHINGTON • Mar 5, 2019 at 3:12 am
This is the link to the petition
Jon • Feb 22, 2019 at 8:18 pm
Here’s an idea. How about you follow the lawful orders given to you by a police officer, don’t resist. Maybe, just maybe then you won’t get shot. This “act” is stupid and ignorant and just continues to flame hate and discontent
Derek Carney • Feb 20, 2019 at 12:43 pm
I love it. I’m just fearful that there would be a heck of a lot of planted weapons and cover up corruption to circumvent punishment. I was thinking they should be required to meditate, eat healthy, and have like an hour of paid sauna/massage etc. prior to their shifts. And be monitored to pulse/stress/etc. smart watches or such to make sure they are emotionally able to deal with their day. Could you imagine how muc violence we could avoid if the police on duty were purposely relaxed and calmed before heading out? Then I was thinking maybe there could be off site police who monitor body cams/health data and would have sole discretion to unlock remotely the officers weapon. and hen they would also have to authorize a second or third shot. and they would also be held equally accountable after the fact. I believe we have the technology to do this.
Isetta Crawford Rawls • Feb 17, 2019 at 5:58 am
Habari Gani,
Where can i sign this petition in person? I live in Denver, and I would also like to help collect signatures. Too many people don’t keep up on the internet, and many more don’t bother with Facebook. I could be more effective in person.
Donna • Feb 16, 2019 at 9:29 am
Great idea but I think we need to go a step further. The verbage in the law needs to change to protect the citizens. As it is written now, anything that a police officer deems fearful is game for open season.
John W. Tisdale III • Feb 16, 2019 at 8:01 am
This is an excellent idea. But the petition needs to be set up the same as all other petitions are on Facebook. The people trying to sign the petition should not have to let it allow access to all the individuals contacts. I’m sure like many people, I have contacts who I do not wish to have the petition sent to. Such as place of employment, the police department, certain hard to deal with individuals, my doctor’s office, etc, etc, etc. I am going to share this post on my page, anyway. And I would choose the friends who I wished to see the petition, as well; if this were set up like every other petition on Facebook. This subject and petition is very important to me. But it should be up to me who I choose to receive it. And no one should be required to share any petition they sign with any one, because repercussions might be taken against the person signing the petition. This issue is a huge problem in our country. And every time I see these terrible killings in a news article, on TV, or on a Facebook post, it is always a black man being killed; which goes to show that there is still a huge problem with racism in America. Which I know already firsthand, simply by growing up in South Alabama. By the way, I am a white man, just in case anyone is wondering. Action needs to be taken to set this petition up correctly. Thank you for reading this, and taking it into consideration. All lives matter.
Preston Richardson • Feb 15, 2019 at 10:24 pm
Does the unarmed person have to have his arms up for the officer to get punished?
Tina Boyd • Feb 15, 2019 at 9:34 pm
Help!!! Has anyone actually tried to sign the petition? This is a truly important and necessary petition to sign! The only thing is that the link, provided above, takes you to the petition but won’t let you sign it! I have been trying to sign all day! I have clicked on the link above saying, “UPDATE: You can view the petition discussed in the article by clicking this link.” Every time I chick that link and get to the petition, then fill it out, nothing happens. Directly above the petition it says, “0 have signed. Let’s get to 1,500!” I’m sure many people have tried to sign this petition. There is some sort of glitch preventing our signatures to go through. I hope that the admins fix this so that we can sign. I have posted this on Facebook and would like to provide a link to a petition that can actually be signed. Please help! Thank you! <3
Jacob • Feb 15, 2019 at 7:37 pm
Thank you x1000!
Michelle Kenney • Feb 15, 2019 at 2:26 pm
I am the mother of Antwon Rose II, the UNARMED 17 year old shot and killed by East Pittsburgh, Pa police. It is heart wrenching to have to say those words out loud. I never want another mother to feel my pain. I support this movement and proposed law 100%. Please sign this petition along with me and offer your support to this legislation in every way possible.
Desertphile • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:14 pm
Imagine needing a special law to penalize police officers who commit murder.
William and Cassandra Sawtelle • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:32 am
There should be specific trained police officers for specific communities.. Each community has different needs! They have to understand that all police officers aren’t bad… they need to be retrained or renew their training skills to be more effective! Stop stereotyping others on both sides… What you are doing is a great beginning ! Both sides of the political perspective should be involve . This a human issue! Our neighborhoods needs this! Sometimes we need to be reminded to stay focus and work for peace, each party…! There’s a common ground… It’s possible
Shawn tull • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:33 am
Good job guys
Kayla Orsell • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:25 am
where do i sign the petition? Can I get some to collect signatures too? email me please
Ameera Al-hussein • Feb 12, 2019 at 1:55 pm
The amount of deaths have been outrageous! I cannot believe these officers have been getting away with such crimes!
The sad part is some of the innocent people innocent and victimized clearly begged for their lives.
I stand with this movement. Let me know what I can do to help.
Carol Byers • Feb 12, 2019 at 1:06 pm
We must start somewhere on the way to equality in police action. The current and past horror stories must end with less fear and more fairness. This petition is a start.
Ronald Webb • Feb 12, 2019 at 12:03 pm
They didn’t include the petition so I have posed it for anyone who is interested in signing it. https://www.change.org/p/us-senate-hands-up-act
Shirley McShan • Feb 12, 2019 at 8:37 am
Someone needs to do something and this guy got it right. Murder charges should apply to police officers just like any other citizen of this country.
Lora • Feb 11, 2019 at 11:02 pm
What is the link for the petition?
Bea Dewing • Feb 11, 2019 at 7:05 pm
Police are sworn to serve and protect the community. This is a good beginning. Police and public officials who lie to protect a fellow officer are just as guilty and should be fired and face legal consequences too.
Ashley • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:17 pm
The police are here to protect not to murder people and get away with it because they are a police officer I think they should be punished if they kill someone just like anyone else
Quincy Kennedy • Feb 8, 2019 at 10:40 pm
They stopped at the point of law.
And started at the point of gun and murder.
We post to be read our rights innocent or guilty til proven guilty in a court of law.
Christena spivey • Feb 8, 2019 at 9:40 am
I think this is excellent law to pass. Too many cases of law enforcement killing or seriously injuring someone ,even folks with mental illness,they need boundaries and punishment as well.