USG approves fee increases

By Sarah Gardner

The Undergraduate Student Government meeting was held Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Services Building after the weather forced a reschedule from Tuesday’s meeting.

After voting on RSO requests and swearing in three new senators, the USG voted on several university fees.

Student Insurance increased by $32 on a 13-0 vote with one abstention.


Athletics requested a $9 increase, and USG settled for a $4 increase on a 7-2 vote.

The organization voted yes for a $3.6 increase on the Information Technology fee on a 12-0 vote with one abstention.

USG voted yes for a $2.50 increase to the Mass Transit fee on a 12-0 vote. They also approved a Student Activity (Night Safety Transit) fee increase of $1.08 on a 13-0 vote.

The Student Center Fee was proposed for an $8 increase, USG voted for a $6 increase on a 7-6 vote.

USG vote yes to the Student Health Center increase of $4 on a 12-0 vote with one abstention.

Student Housing fees varied in increases but were approved on a 10-1 vote with 3 abstentions.

Luke Nozicka can be reached at [email protected], on Twitter at


@LukeNozicka, or 536-3311 ext. 268.
