Daily Egyptian wins big at annual Illinois College Press Association awards

By Staff Report

The Daily Egyptian earned 25 awards Saturday at the annual Illinois College Press Association awards. The winners were announced at the ICPA convention in Chicago, where dozens of Illinois college newspapers attended and submitted more than 1,000 entries for competition.

Entries are judged by the Illinois Press Association, an organization composed of various newspaper professionals from around the state. The IPA assigns those professionals as judges from within the organization’s structure.

SIU’s independently run student newspaper scored five first place awards, eight second place awards, seven third place awards and five honorable mentions.

Daily Egyptian editor-in-chief Athena Chrysanthou said she was proud of the staff’s achievements this past year.

“Working in the newsroom everyday and seeing the staff grow gives me an immense sense of pride to be a part of the Daily Egyptian,” Chrysanthou said. “The awards we received today gives us something to show for the work we do and also a reminder of how important we are to the community and SIU.”

Of the 25 awards, the Daily Egyptian advertising department took four awards, design took three awards, reporting took six awards and the photography staff took home nine awards. The Daily Egyptian staff received honorable mentions in ‘Entertainment Supplement’ and in ‘General Excellence.’

The following awards are in the “Dailies over 4,000” category:

Honorable Mention, General Excellence: Daily Egyptian Staff
Honorable Mention, Entertainment Supplement: Daily Egyptian Staff

First Place, In-House Promotional Advertisement: Bridget Moroney

Second Place, In-Depth Reporting: Nathan Dodd, Brian Munoz and Denton Giovenco
Second Place, Headline Writing: Abbey LaTour
Second Place, Feature Writing other than Sports: Olivia Spiers
Third Place, Feature Writing Story – Other Than Sports: Abbey LaTour
Third Place, Sports News Story: Sean Carley and Luke Nozicka
Third Place, Sports Game Story: Sean Carley

Second Place, Sport Page Design: Reagan Gavin
Third Place, Feature Page Design: Reagan Gavin

First Place, General News Photograph: Brian Munoz
First Place, Spot News Photograph: Brian Munoz
First Place, Photo Essay: Jacob Weigand
First Place, Feature Photograph: Jacob Weigand
Second Place, Chicago Press Photojournalism Competition: Brian Munoz
Third Place, Sports Photo: Jacob Weigand
Honorable Mention, Spot News: Ryan Michalesko
Honorable Mention, Sports Photo: Jacob Weigand

The following awards are open to all participating schools, no matter enrollment or publication frequency:

Second Place, Graphic Illustration – Open: Reagan Gavin
Second Place, Advertising Campaign – Open: Abby O’Brien
Third Place, Advertising Campaign – Open: Abby O’Brien
Honorable Mention, Full Page Advertisement – Open: Abby O’Brien

The Daily Egyptian’s news desk can be reached at 618-536-3397 or editor@dailyegyptian.com.

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