Letter to the editor: Events in Charlottesville are saddening

By Joshua Bowens

We, as members of the Undergraduate Student Government and members of the SIU community, are saddened by the weekend’s events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The violence that has erupted is an unacceptable display of the unfortunate racial tensions in the United States at this time. However, we cannot let acts like these discourage us. We as an organization strive to promote an inclusive and welcoming environment on our campus.

This year we hope to further improve our campus by working with Registered Student Organizations that promote inclusivity, understanding, listening and communicating with our students on issues they feel need to be addressed and developing initiatives with the administration to promote a welcoming campus for our community.

If at any time you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact USG president Joshua Bowens at [email protected] or at 618-453-6736.

USG president Joshua Bowens is a junior from Chicago studying political science.