Photo of the Day: The love of dance

(Anna Spoerre | @annaspoerre)

By Anna Spoerre

CJ Bathiany, a senior from Fort Thomas, Kentucky, practices variations of jazz and ballet Thursday at a studio in Altgeld Hall on SIU’s campus alonside his instructor, Katelin Coursey, a senior from Henderson, Kentucky.

As musical theater majors, the two said they take time to practice enhancing their skills outside of class. Coursey said the private lessons also help her pay the bills.

“I really love it,” she said. “It’s something I’ve been doing since a young age. It’s a good form of release and expression.”


And she said, it’s like getting paid to do what most people do when their favorite song comes on: dance.

Editor-in-Chief Anna Spoerre can be reached at or on Twitter @annaspoerre

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