I would like to respond to Annie Hoffman’s letter from May 10th. I looked for the passage in the Qur’an that she quoted that appears sexist and I couldn’t find it. I did find a quote at S. 4 A. 19 that said, live with them (women) on a footing of kindness and equity. Also S.4 A 32, to women (is allotted) what they earn and S.4 A. 19, ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. At S.4 A.

By Gus Bode

I note this last because there is a false rumor that says, in Islam, women are not allowed in heaven. In the Qur’an it also provides for specific punishments for women (and men). If one looks deeper one usually finds that these punishments are voided if the sinners will simply apologize.

The enemies of Islam have published at least six false Qur’ans to misrepresent Islam and perhaps this is why I could not find the quote. Propaganda and lies about the original Islam and the Black Muslims are the norm. Christians have lied, stolen, oppressed and made war on Islam. Christian greed, lies, and violence surrounding Islam are well documented.

The truth is, Islam is a very open religion which accepts Christianity and Judaism as equal. It is hard to judge a foreign culture Ms. Hoffman. If there is sexism in Islam, is it worse than our sexism? The greed goblins seeking to steal Arab oil and Christians with evil intent have distorted the truth for political reasons.


As an American (non-Muslim), I am ashamed of our uneducated, provencal attitudes and our cruelty toward Islam. Muslims are kind and gentle people deserving of respect. As an individual I try to make it up to them by educating myself and by being courteous and respectful to all foreigners. Shouldn’t we all do this?

I sympathize with you, Ms. Hoffman. I also am a feminist. I once read a false Qur’an and made mistakes because of this. We have been victims of a hateful propaganda campaign that seeks to dehumanize Arabs so we can murder them in war and steal their oil. The propagandists seek war and murder for profit don’t fall for it. After all, they will give us the oil without all the hate and violence.
