Signed articles, including letters, Viewpoints and other commentaries, reflect the opinions of their authors only. Unsigned editorials represent a consensus of the Daily Egyptian Board.

By Gus Bode

Letters to the editor must be submitted in person to the editorial page editor, Room 1247, Communi-cations Building. Letters should be typewritten and double spaced. All letters are subject to editing and will be limited to 300 words. Letters for which verification of authorship cannot be made will not be published.

Viewpoints can be submitted to the Daily Egyptian by students, faculty, staff or other readers. Articles should be between 650 and 750 words in length. A photo of the writer will run in conjunction with every Viewpoint, so be prepared to have your mugshot taken or bring a photo along.

Procedures and guidelines for verification of authorship will be the same as those for letters to the editor. Viewpoints must be written specifically for the Daily Egyptian. Editors always have the right to refuse any Viewpoint. Viewpoints should focus on current issues.

