SIUC President John Guyon has said the University will be closed for three days during Halloween week this year. The closing was likely inevitable and is not a surprise. However, despite the positive points of the decision, the timing of the announcement may undermine the purpose of killing off the Halloween party.
June 12, 1995
The decision has many positive points. It will give a five-day weekend to students with very little disruption of the academic calender. Students will not be forced to leave the dorms, although they might do so anyway given a long weekend with nothing to do.
From 1990 to 1992, the University completely shut down, forcing students out of the dorms. The academic schedule around Halloween was disrupted. Thanksgiving break was shortened, upsetting many students and faculty. The measures this year are different. The days off will not affect the schedule greatly. Guyon is putting some responsibility in the student’s hands by allowing them to stay, instead of forcing them to go home.
But students did not hear about this year’s decision while in school because it was made after most students had left for intercession. Guyon said the decision was delayed until after the students had gone because the City of Carbondale took a long time to reach a decision on the bar entry age issue.
City Manager Jeff Doherty said the time was needed because the issue was so large and complex. He also said that when the City Council is considering policy that affects students, it tries to meet a semester-end deadline. Doherty said they met that deadline, deciding the bar entry issue on May 2. The council members have been considering the issue since March 2.
These reasons for the poor timing of the announcement are nothing more than excuses for poor planning. Yes, the closing is a good idea, but the fact the announcement was made as soon as students left for break could leave the impression that they were left out of the decision making process, which could result in reactionary opposition.
It should be noted, students did have opportunity to voice their opinion about this. There were meetings to discuss the issues. The Mayoral/Presidential Task Force, which came up with the original suggestion to close the University, had members who were students. So, students were not really out of the loop.
But the impression of being out of the loop is enough to create hostile feelings. And since this is such a sensitive issue with SIUC students, the timing of the announcement should have been made while students were in school.
It is paramount that students realize the reasoning for the decisions made by the City Council and the Mayoral/Presidential Task Force. That reasoning is an attempt to bring an end to the destruction of property, personal injury and arrests. Thus, it is an attempt to bring an end to the Halloween spectacle and the party image SIUC has maintained and failed to get rid of.