A 57 member Illinois Goals 2000 panel of educators met Friday in the Prairie Capital Convention Center in Springfield to take action on a statewide plan.
June 8, 1995
Under the Goals 2000 Act, states and communities receive federal dollars to support activities focused on academic excellence. Donald Beggs, dean of the College of Education and a panel member, said Goals 2000 is a federal program that states can apply for to reform public schools.
Panel supports local control
The panel is responsible for proposing money from the state to support the current Illinois reform effort, Beggs said.
We want to continue reform in Illinois, he said. The panel recommendation is to continue the plan which emphasizes local control of public education, Beggs said.
The aim of Goals 2000 is to identify projects in schools that are intended to improve the achievement of students, he said.
Beggs said the panel considered input from public hearings and panel members before sending the proposal to the Illinois State Board of Education for review and possible submission to the federal government.
The proposal will be approved on June 22 and the federal government will decide if Illinois will receive the funds.
We are hoping to finish our report by June 22 and then it will be up to the Illinois State Board of Education, Beggs said.
If Illinois does receive funds the applicants will be open to public schools to apply, he said.
Beggs said this year, Illinois received $4 million for local school improvement activities.
Next year’s amount has not been approved and it is subject to Congress approval, Beggs said.
All public schools are eligible to participate and must apply every year until the year 2000. The funding period begins Oct. 1 and is based on grant competition.
Beggs said the projects can range from improvement in mathematics and language skills to alternative programs and cooperation skills.
It will allow schools with special needs to apply and compete for them. The funds will go to whatever project the public school believe they need improvement in, Beggs said.
Beggs said he believes Goals 2000 will boost school improvement efforts and professional activities for educators.
I believe it will help us to continue our momentum in helping to reform schools.