Saluki athletes making the grade

By Gus Bode

SIUC scholarship athletes are graduating at a much higher rate than average among NCAA member universities, ranking second among Illinois schools, according to a 1995 NCAA graduation report.

The report states that 69 percent of scholarship athletes entering SIUC in the 1988-’89 school year graduated, as compared to a 58 percent average rate for other NCAA member schools.

SIUC’s 1995 graduation rate increased from 62 percent in 1994. SIUC ranks second among Illinois state schools behind the University of Illinois’ 73 percent.


Nancy Bandy, SIUC assistant athletic director, said the high graduation rate for athletes is important to the athletic program.

It’s fantastic, Bandy said. One of our objectives is to have a graduation rate 10 percent higher than the general student body.

According to the report, 44 percent of all SIUC students entering the University during the same time period have graduated.

Bandy said several factors contribute to athletes graduating at a higher rate than other undergraduates, including the services the athletic department offers student-athletes.

The department has mandatory study tables for certain athletes, performs grade checks during the year and works closely with academic advisors to monitor student-athletes’ progress, Bandy said.

Besides the athletic department in general, the coaches of each sport play a role in SIUC’s graduation rates, she said.

When recruiting, they will choose the student who is better academically, if ability is equal, Bandy said.


Another reason for the rising graduation rates is the tightening of athletic admission standards by the NCAA, Bandy said.

Whether you like it or not, Proposition 48 has played a role in increased graduation rates, she said.

Proposition 48 is a rule set by the

see GRADUATION, page 5
