Other students like Tracy Luchik, a senior in elementary education from Mahomet, get more excited about the rain.
July 20, 1995
I like to get in the car and drive really fast in flooded areas to splash people walking along the road, Luchik said. It makes me kind of giddy.
Jodee Baker, a graduate of SIUC, said sex in the rain is good.
You have to get out before it stops though, or otherwise the mosquitoes will come out, she said.
Other students said they do not care for the rain very much.
I hate it, Darrell Booten, a senior in psychology from Naperville said. It puts me in a bad mood because I have to ride my motorcycle to work.
Other students simply take it easy indoors.
Mike May, a senior in radio-television from Mundelein, said he likes to play golf, Sega-style, when it rains.
James Starr, a senior in radio-television from Carbondale, said the rain makes him depressed.
It makes me feel like staying inside and not going to the Sunset Concert, Starr said. It pretty much kills my activeness. It’s not easy to play soccer when it’s raining.
Jeff Arment, a meteorological aide at the SIUC airport, said there is an outside chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and tomorrow.