The Carbondale Park district is trying something new this summer, a hot shot basketball contest, Saturday at Attucks Park.
July 13, 1995
Melanie Crimmins Bottom, athletics and aquatics coordinator for the Carbondale Park District, said this is the first year that the park district has attempted the event. Bottom said she would like to see it reappear in Carbondale next year.
We’re trying it out to see what kind of response we get, she said. We hope to make it an annual event.
Contestants in the shoot-out will get three shots from six different spots on the court. The person who makes the most shots in each age group will win prizes that were donated from merchants and members of the community.
Included in the first prize package is a pair of tickets to SIUC volleyball and football games that were donated by the SIUC athletic department.
SIUC associate athletic director Charlotte West said a good relationship with the park district is important to the department.
We try real hard to work with the park district and they in turn help us out, she said. We let them use our softball fields and they pay for the maintenance.
They’ve also been good about letting our golf team play at Hickory Ridge.
Other prizes to be included in the first place package have yet to be determined, Bottom said.
In addition to the awards given to the winners, all other contestants are guaranteed prizes.
All participants will receive PowerAid from Coca-Cola and gift certificates from McDonald’s, she said.
The contest is divided into five different age groups 9-12, 13-15, 16-21, 22-29, and over 30. Each age group will also be divided into men’s and women’s divisions.
Bottom said participants in the 9-12 and 13-15 age groups will shoot at different spots on the court than the other age groups.
Of the six positions, the older age groups will have to shoot from behind the three-point line five times, with two positions being at the top of the key and at the free-throw line. The other spots are at the right and left wing and baseline positions.
The organizers basically shrunk the full-sized field to make the shots closer for the younger players, Bottom said.
Bottom said proceeds from the event will be used to buy basketballs which could then be used in future events put on by the park district. There is a entry fee of one dollar per participant.
Sign-up for the event lasts from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. with the event beginning at 10:30.