SIUC check cashing more convenient

By Gus Bode

To serve SIUC students more efficiently during the semester, the check cashing station in the Student Center has increased its services according to Student Center Marketing Director Christina Varotsis.

The Student Center has increased the SIUC, State of Illinois, and Federal check cashing limit from $150 to $175. The student center also will be issuing money orders later this semester.

It makes it more convenient for students, Varotsis said. This way they don’t have to go to the bank if their check is more than $150.


Gwen Peyton, office manager at the check cashing station, said another reason is because of salary increases.

It seemed that checks were getting a little bigger all of the time, she said. This was definitely a reason to warrant an increase on the check cashing limit.

Also, Varotsis said passes for SIUC’s Mass Transit System can be picked up at the check cashing office. Costs for the passes are $30 for faculty and staff, $30 for the general public, $25 for CESL students, $20 for spouses and children under five years old of SIUC students.

Varotsis said the office still offers the services they have before, including personal checks up to $50, with a 25 cent fee and a valid SIUC ID.

Fall semester hours are as follow:Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hours are modified during breaks and finals week.

For more information call the check cashing office at 453-3493. For ticket information call 453-3478.

