WASHINGTONConfessed spy Aldrich H. Ames has rejected a government plan that would have allowed him to be moved out of solitary confinement and into the general inmate population at Allenwood Penitentiary’s maximum security facility, a CIA spokesman said Tuesday.
August 22, 1995
The veteran CIA counterintelligence officer, whose nearly nine years of spying for Moscow caused the deaths of at least 10 agents and exposed more than 100 U.S. and allied intelligence operations, objected to the continuation of agency monitoring of his mail and telephone conversations, according to sources who asked not to be identified.
He has submitted his own counterproposal (and) we will look at that, CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said. The CIA official added, however, that the government does not plan to get into a negotiation with Ames.
Our intent is not to be mean or lenient toward this guy, Mansfield said. Our intent is to protect against Ames further damaging national security through additional disclosure of classified information.
Mansfield would not reveal the details of the government plan or of Ames’s counterproposal.
Under the terms of Ames’s guilty plea agreement, the CIA maintains it has the right to review his writings for publication and any media interviews.