Student goverment focuses on Clinton visit

By Gus Bode

By Wendy J. Allyn and Marc Chase

Officials from two SIUC student government groups say they know they will play a role in making students aware of the presidential visit scheduled for Sept. 11, but are still unsure of their specific duties once the president arrives.

Duane Sherman, Undergraduate Student Government president, said at an emergency USG senate meeting Wednesday that he is counting on all the senators to help prepare the campus for President Bill Clinton’s visit.


Sherman said USG will be posting fliers around the campus and the city to advertise the visit. He also said a team of White House officials met with him Wednesday and asked USG to pass out handbills on the day of the visit.

Signs will be posted around campus Sept. 11 to direct students to the site where Clinton will deliver his speech, Sherman said.

He said students with SIUC identification cards will receive preferential seating in the speech area.

Dan Piper, USG governmental affairs commissioner, said the White House has not confirmed officially if Clinton will be speaking at a Death of Education rally sponsored by the United States Student Association.

Piper said USG will be collecting student signatures on USSA petitions opposing government cuts to student financial aid and will sponsor voter registration drives during Clinton’s visit.

Bill Karrow, Graduate and Professional Student Council president, said he also met with the White House officials yesterday but is still unsure of GPSC’s official role in preparing for Clinton’s visit.

He said GPSC is currently contacting other regional universities, inviting the schools to participate in campus activities when Clinton arrives.


GPSC is now calling 44 universities in the area and encouraging those universities to participate, Karrow said.
