Survey stereotyped SIUC students
September 13, 1995
I’m sure that most people on campus would share my love. You see, I love being stereotyped. It’s great. After just a few questions you know exactly who I am. After looking at me you know that I have red hair which must mean that I’m Irish. What I am is:half German, from an affluent suburb of Chicago, and I am an SIU guy. That means that I must love beer, drive a BMW that mommy and daddy bought for me, and I must prefer one night stands to a commitment.
WRONG! I prefer Dr. Pepper to anything, I emptied my savings to afford a car, and I can’t stand one night stands. You see according to an article in Tuesday, September 12th’s DE, which reported about a survey that was taken of 50 students, one night stands are on the rise and are preferred versus a commitment.
Well for the DE reporter who took this survey, let me give you a little lesson in statistics. To accurately represent a population (SIUC students) the sample of people surveyed must be large enough to view as many opinions as possible. For 23, 000 students it would take more than 50. More than 500.
Now if you want to know me or any of the other 22,950 students attending SIU why don’t you either ask us about ourselves or at least get a larger sample group to more accurately represent us. If one night stands are truly on the rise, fine. But when you start stereotyping people so easily is when you give people incorrect information. Last time I looked journalists were supposed to give hard facts.