Logging protestor harvests timber
September 18, 1995
A few students say they are willing to risk being jailed in their protest over the logging of a relative handful of trees at Cripps Bend. They need to know that one of the protesters himself has logged trees in the Shawnee National Forest for his personal use.
Joe Glisson, whom you quoted on Sept. 15, has removed at least eight cords of wood from the Shawnee. In a Freedom of Information Act request, I saw the permits dated Oct. 26, 1990, Dec. 5 1991, Nov. 9, 1992 and Oct. 27, 1993, at the Murphysburo office. Mr. Glisson paid $10 each year for the right to cut trees for firewood.
In 1993, the last time I bought firewood, I paid $45 retail for half a cord. That year Mr. Glisson got four times as much for only $10. Mr. Glisson frequently says the Forest Service loses money on the sale of treesand Mr. Glisson should know.
You quote Mr. Glisson as saying, This forest is too valuable an {entity}. The trees are worth more standing. Except, apparently, when on a cold winter’s day they are burning in his wood stove at home.