‘Treat us equally’ This is in response to a letter to the DE written by Cheryl Sundale about disabled seating at President Clinton’s SIU visit. I agree that we should make seating arrangements for some disabled persons, but not all disabled persons.

By Gus Bode

Persons with limited vision or hearing should be able to sit near the front. Persons with other disabilities should arrive early if they want to be up front, just like any other person. I am a wheelchair user and I am against special treatment I want equal treatment. I understand that the accessibility of an area to a wheelchair sometimes affects seating arrangements and I am okay with that as long as I am not treated too preferentially. In my fraternity, I needed to be carried upstairs, but otherwise I was treated like anyone else not as a special member. My solution is don’t treat me special all of the time. Treat me as equally as possible.

Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities

