The following are demands developed by the Student Environmental Center at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. It is imperative that these demands and goals are met by the United States no later than January of 1998. We stress the urgency and severity of each of these issues, and feel it is the obligation of the President and the United States government to represent us adequately.
September 10, 1995
We have many concerns about the health of the forests in the United States. The major cause of our anxiety is the Salvage Logging Rider on the Rescissions Bill which was passed on July 27, 1995. This law must be abolished to ensure the existence of our National Forests. In addition, there should be no clear cutting of public or private land and no timber harvesting on public lands. The Student Environmental Center also would like the president to create the Simon-Songbird National Monument on the Shawnee National Forest. This would protect Southern Illinois’ National Forest from ruin. We also think that Clinton should mandate that the Forest Service prohibit extraction of any timber from the Cripps Bend area in the Shawnee National Forest. This action should be a priority, because presently the Cripps Bend area is under threat.
When it comes to environmental law, The Student Environmental Center thinks Clinton should strengthen all EPA restrictions on pollutants in the air, water and land. Under this demand, he needs to mandate emissions control testing nationally. We also feel that Clinton should increase monetary penalties for crimes committed against the environment by corporations and federal agencies including the Forest Service. Spending for environmental protection and regulation needs to increase. The Endangered Species Act must be changed to include habitat protection for all listed species. Nuclear testing must be stopped immediately.
Preservation of resources is another issue that is critical for a healthy environment. We want the president to mandate 100 percent post-consumer, recycled, unbleached paper products be used by all national government agencies and recipients of national funding. Besides mandating the use of recyclable materials, Clinton needs to mandate recycling for all paper products, glass, metals, plastics and all organic compost for the above mentioned. The use of non-recyclable material, i.e. less packaging should be regulated in the United States. Furthermore, Clinton should create incentives for non-polluting alternative energy sources, i.e. solar power.
The United States needs to be more strict with industry. It is necessary for Clinton to heavily fine and tax all corporate contaminants expelled into the environment, especially nuclear waste. To ensure the safety of the people of the United States and beyond, incineration of all materials should be prohibited.
United States wetlands need to be treated more delicately. The President should prohibit dams and levees of all creeks, streams, lakes and wild rivers. Additionally, public and private development on all wetlands must be prohibited.
The Student Environmental Center believes that the health of the people and animals in the United States needs to change. To achieve this we feel that Clinton needs to focus finance on medical prevention, rather than the cure. There should be monetary incentives for organic farming and a federal ban on pesticide and herbicide use for agriculture. Clinton should ban the use of anti-biotics and chemicals in meat and dairy products in order to protect the citizens of the United States.
The Student Environmental Center wants Clinton to place more emphasis on the issue of overpopulation. Clinton should create tax incentives for having less children, as well as support sex education and accessibility to birth control and options. Also, we feel that Clinton should take an active role in fighting for the equal rights of all minorities and life forms. Along with other actions, the president needs to enforce protection of Native American land according to their standards.
As students, community members and United States citizens, the Student Environmental Center feels that Clinton is obligated to mandate environmental education in public schools at all levels and training for educators. Besides increasing environmental awareness, we feel that Clinton should make state schools affordable. We feel that Clinton should increase funding for college work study programs that are directed toward environmental protection and strengthen his Americorp program.
This vision has been drawn up to remind President Bill Clinton that he is obligated to represent and serve the people the United States. Many environmentalists voted for Clinton in hopes that he would sand up for the Earth. Before elections he is represented environmental change and protection, however we have been disappointed. A good example is how he promised to prohibit oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, but presently it is being exploited. These proposals should not be undervalued for the Earth is all we have. We are waiting.