GPSC accepting vice president nominations

By Gus Bode

by Wendy J. Allyn

Following their constitution’s rules, the Graduate and Professional Student Council will again take nominations for a vacant vice president seat on the executive board at tonight’s council meeting.

According to GPSC’s constitution, nominations for the position must be taken at two consecutive meetings, and then must be voted on at the third.


Some GPSC officials said the delay in filling the seat which the rules have created has been unecessary. They said Doug Phebus, acting vice president for administrative affairs, is doing an adequate job and should continue to do so as a permanent executive.

Phebus, a third year law student who has been filling the vacancy left by current GPSC President William Karrow, was the only nominee for the position at GPSC’s Sept. 6 meeting.

Council member Adam Kantrovich wanted to vote Phebus in immediately rather than wait two more meetings. He said since Phebus had already become familiar with the job, it would be better if the council voted him in right away.

But council members decided to follow the GPSC constitution and wait until tonight to see if anyone else would be nominated.

Karrow said the wait is unfair to Phebus.

At the first meeting, there were no other nominations, Karrow said. I think it’s unfair to Doug because he’s done a great job. The organization is running very smoothly with him.

Mark Terry, GPSC vice president for graduate school affairs, said he hopes Phebus will be officially voted vice president at a later meeting.


He’s very capable, Terry said. He’s the right person for the job, but of course, the council will have to decide.

Other business at the meeting will include discussion of President Bill Clinton’s visit to SIUC on Sept. 11, which GPSC was involved in, and the possibility of GPSC helping to fund a computer upgrade system proposed by the Undergraduate Student Government.

Karrow said tonight’s meeting, his second as president of GPSC, will be better organized and brief now that Clinton’s visit is over.

He (Clinton) came, and it worked out pretty well and he left, Karrow said. I’m more focused now and able to give the meeting my full attention.

GPSC meets in the Student Center Illinois Room tonight at 7 p.m.
