Relocating to Neely no good

By Gus Bode

The Oct. 13 article on the Neely Hall conversion to an over 21 undergraduate dorm indicates that Student Housing has already decided it will happen. This proposal is short sited and neglects other options.

With the conversion, undergraduates over 21 with only have one place to live on camps, University Park, unless they are willing to live with 18-year-olds and no alcohol (officially) allowed in the dorms. This denies the opportunity of living at Thompson Point and its location close to several school buildings. Neely Hall has a low return rate because students don’t want to live there. Why force it on another group of students? Change the inhospitable behavior. Under age drinking on campus is on the rise (as noted by a recent DE article.) Why encourage this behavior by moving 500 plus underage students, some with their firs taste of adult freedom to less secure dorms. Some will undoubtedly use that freedom irresponsibly (e.g., drunk and disorderly, date rape.) The university has some control over that with the towers.

Options not considered may be to make more dorms over 21 other than Neely. For example, Kellog hall can be converted, and if there is still demand the next year, Boomer Hall can be converted. It still allows choice, based upon how soon you sign for housing (same as now.)

