Can’t we all just get along?
October 16, 1995
On Tuesday, October 10, the Daily Egyptian printed a ridiculous letter by Charles Hammond. Mr. Hammond wrote, in very few words, how upset he was that the DE advertisement department was so callous and offensive in one of its own advertisements. In today’s society some individuals are so concerned about political correctness that they don’t look at things for what they are. No one should get offended by silly advertisements. If people would start to have some sense of security about their own masculinity, femininity or sense of well-being them people like Mr. Hammond wouldn’t take things so personally. Mr. Hammond, I’m from Arkansas and I don’t mind admitting it. We are an easy state to make fun of. Even before President Clinton took office, my state was made fun of. People make fun of my accent here at SIU, but guess what? I DON’T CARE. I take it for what it is worth and I usually laugh because it is funny.
The advertisement in the DE consisted of a caricature of an East Asian face, with an apocryphal message from Confucius in broken English. It seems in today’s society someone is always upset about something. If you have not offended someone next to you then you probably have offended the person across from you. If the DE had not used Confucius it could have offended hundreds of other people. To the Daily Egyptian advertising department:please don’t be strayed from doing your job by the likes of Mr. Hammond. Your job is to catch the readers’ attention, to make sure a product is seen. Mr. Hammond:without trying to be callous or offensive or hurt your feelings, please get some security in your life. Reach down and find out who you are, and please don’t waste my time with your useless bickering.