Reparations for past way overdue

By Gus Bode

Like a bridge across time Jim Crow links slavery with our present era. Many have gone from public lynchings to private hate. From the Iroquois to the African; the blood of the oppressed continue to plead with God for mercy and justice.

Have you ever asked yourself why this apathy, hate, and indifference continues? Well have you? If those who have responded wouldn’t have been so quick.

So what if I didn’t[t live in the era of slavery! So what if you didn’t have anything to do with what you ancestors may or may not have done or condoned during slavery! I bet you’ll have something to do with that old money! What if you found out that your ancestor robbed and killed an ancestor of someone you know? And to make it interesting, let’s say that your robber ancestor was caught and executed; however he never confessed to the crime, and he never told where he hid the money. Decades later, you finally realize that you’re living off of the benefits of your ancestor’s treachery. What would you do? Trading what I just typed helps me to realize that no matter what, some will think that I am trying to make certain people feel guilty by accusations. You’re right and you’re are wrong! Yes I would like for European-Americans to feel bad about what some of their ancestors did. Also I would like all Americans to feel bad about all the atrocities that we have allowed to persist; right under our noses in a supposedly Democratic Republic!


Every year, throughout the year, empathy in large doses is administered through the media for the plight of the Jews (via the Holocaust). What about our pain? The answer is obvious; who wants to admit they’re wrong? That’s why very few people are truly Christians! To those few who have the guts to face the truth, I ask you to:1) Write Clinton about African-Americans receiving reparations. 2) Read the Chronological History of the Negro in America by Peter and Mort Bergman. 3) Pray to God for justice and mercy.
