Have you benefitted from slavery?

By Gus Bode

Question:If the person sitting or standing next to you (right now as you read this letter) intentionally injured you so that you were hospitalized, what would you expect of that person?

A) An apology, or

B) Payment of some kind for lost wages, expenses, etc…


If a group of people wronged you, would your expectations be any different? I think not. In the 1980s when Ronald Reagan was president, our nation decided to right a wrong by granting Japanese-American descendants $20,000 each for their ill-treatment during World War II. That was a great day and time for all humanity. But what about those people who have been here in America for more than 400 years? Who invented the stoplight? Who made it possible for the Red Cross to administer blood transfusions? I could go on and on … Once promised 40 acres and a mule, but given 40 lashes and treated like a fool! We are America, and it is about time we hold ourselves accountable.

Question:How did such industries like Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar and others get to be so powerful on Wall Street? Did you receive any funds and/or inheritance from these industries? I do no know these answers, but I know that slave labor played a major role in them. Even after slavery was abolished, the so-called freed slaves had no option but to continue working for the same type of person who had previously enslaved them. I have three requests to all of you fair-minded, level-headed, logical (yet moral) people out there:1) Trace your family history back a little and see if any of them were in any way involved in the oppression of African-Americans. Also see if the profited from this exploitation.

2) Read The Chronological History of the Negro in America. At some point, Southern Illinois is mentioned.

3) Write to President Clinton and as many influential leaders as you care to requesting that WE the people correct this wrong, just as was done during President Reagan’s administration.

Thank you for your time and consideration
