Men’s hoops assist library excellence funding
November 9, 1995
Saluki basketball players and coaches will be signing autographs Friday after the game against a touring Russian National team, as a fund raising effort to help purchase items for computer services in Morris Library.
Right after the ballgame, our players are going to take a seat over at the press tables, we’re not even going to go to the locker room, Saluki coach Rich Herrin said. We will go directly to the autograph table where the Shakers and the Cheerleaders will collect money for the library.
David Koch the director of Special Collections, who’s office will coordinate the event, said that those who receive autographs will be requested to make a donation that will go to the Library’s Excellence fund.
We will use the proceeds to help purchase items that all students could use, Koch said. In years past, we have purchased different CD ROM’s and computers.
Carolyn Snyder, Dean of Library Affairs, and Saluki basketball coach Rich Herrin have worked together in efforts of furthering academics at SIUC for more than four years.
The Academic Athletic Connection, as referred to by Snyder, brings in funds to help the library purchase items that are used by students and faculty alike.
Each year he (Herrin) has worked with us on at least one event for the basketball team and the coaches to help raise money for the library, Snyder said. We’re very pleased that this year it is going to be that signing of posters after the game on Friday.
We are also working with coach Herrin and his assistant coaches on use of the Distance Learning Center to talk to perspective players from throughout the state or country, Snyder said.
I think this may prove to be an effective coaching tool, coach Herrin said. We will be able to hold clinics and seminars from one place in Carbondale, but they can be seen and heard live by virtually anyone in the nation.
There is also an effort to help the team to have a basketball home page on the worldwide web on the internet, Snyder said.
Snyder said that the fund raising involving the basketball team and the library have been gaining interest in the past few years.
Last year, the poster signing session was popular with many parents and children, as well as college students, Snyder said. What we’re hoping to do this year is to raise more money to buy either software of hardware to be available to the users of the library.
I am really excited because I think that more of these efforts between athletics and academics are important to all of us, Snyder said.