Mr. Jones has created a bad situation

By Gus Bode

I doubt that I shall ever become accustom to the lies people tell, particularly the ones that are told about this writer, in or out of the newspaper. At the academic level, ethical standards usually precludes such conduct even for a newspaper. At any level however, the DE’s Housing editorial of Nov.13 could be described as untruthful in the least. Cowardly and incompetent would be the most anyone could say about it.

Mr. Jones, the University Housing Director, fed his political propaganda to members of the DE editorial board, and they printed it. I doubt there is a student in 20,000 who could possibly believe, that any employee of the Daily Egyptian could give a damn about us.

The people who pay Mr. Jones salary, who pay the cost of operating campus Housing, have told Mr. Jones in no uncertain terms they will not tolerate any alterations in the current assignments of over 21 Housing. This message was delivered to Mr. Jones by USG. It reflects our understanding of what students, both under and over 21 years of age, require of Mr. Jones. USG doesn’t object to Mr. Jones adding more over 21 Housing assignments.


If Mr. Jones and Steve Kirk want trouble then that is what they shall have.

For being a person of conservative views, and someone who believes any battle worth fighting is worth winning. I offer no apologies. So long as I act within the law, I shall answer to my conscious, my mother and Jesus Christ.

Please, before this thing goes too far and becomes ugly, listen to the people who have to pay for all of it. We have the right to chose and we will not be ignored. If you can not grasp this basic truism, then you and Steve Kirk should offer your resignations. Please, allow us the opportunity to find someone with whom we can communicate, who will work with us, and who lets us live in peace to follow our academic goals. You sir, are not doing a very good job. This is a terrible situation you have created.
