Baldwin Hall residents petition hike in student recreation fees

By Gus Bode

By Signe K. Skinion

Members of Thompson Point’s Baldwin Hall have signed a petition opposing Wednesday’s Undergraduate Student Government decision to increase student recreation fees for the construction of a intramural-sports complex.

Alex Goodson, president of the Baldwin Hall Council, said she brought a petition of 70 signatures to the USG meeting but was not heard by the senators. She said people signed the petition because they either do not support the construction of the complex or are opposed to the two semester fee increase of $11.20.


I am not personally opposed to the fee increase, Goodson said. I’m opposed to the complex. I do not feel they have to put three lighted fields on that land, it’s nice the way it is now. I feel they could find other uses for that money.

Jessica Beasley, Residence Hall Association representative for Baldwin Hall, said she and a majority of the people that signed the petition are against the fee increase.

Personally, I feel this is an unnecessary additional fee increase, and so do most of the people I have talked to, Beasley said. I don’t think USG is representing the students very well on this complex.

Goodson said she feels the complex represents a continuing attitude of the campus in attempting to make SIU look new.

There are buildings and areas on campus that are rundown, and instead of building something new, they (the University) should improve these places, Goodson said. I think this is the mindset of society and this University new, new, new. Not improve, improve, improve.

I have talked with people other than those from Baldwin, and they are opposed to this, Goodson said. I know USG’s soul purpose is to listen to the students on this campus. I feel they didn’t even give me a chance to speak my opinion at the meeting, and that kind of goes against their whole purpose. They have not listened to all sides of this situation.

David Vingren, Thompson Point senator, said he tried to get Goodson heard at the USG meeting, but a vote was called before he could give her that chance.


I really wanted to give her (Goodson) a chance to speak, but once the question is called there is nothing anyone can do but vote, Vingren said. I have wanted to speak a few times on proposals, but someone called the question. And I never got to speak. It happens to senators too, not just those in the audience.

Vingren said he is happy that Goodson came to the meeting with something to say, but doubts anything would have changed the vote even if she had spoken.

I have talked with several people at Thompson Point and across campus, and everyone seems to be in favor of the complex, Vingren said. Basically she (Goodson) and those who signed the petition are the only ones opposed to it. I appreciate her efforts, but I highly doubt it would have made a difference.
