Black think tank going to Chicago
February 23, 1996
A group of SIUC students traveling to Chicago this weekend will participate in the National African American Leadership Summit to network with other students and listen to an Islamic leader, a member of the Black Think Tank says.
Anthony X, president of the SIUC Black Think Tank, said one purpose of the summit is to give college students a chance to network with other college students from around the country. Friday, there will be a gathering of college students networking to pool resources and pull together their ideas, X said.
Saturday’s events feature a local organizing committee meeting to promote involvement in the community, increased voter registration and development in small businesses, he said.
Several prominent African Americans will be present at the summit including Maya Angelou, Jesse Jackson and Rosa Parks, X said. He said the highlight of the weekend will be the speech at the University of Illinois at Chicago on Sunday by Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader.
X said the speech will be given Sunday because it is Saviours’ Day, the holiday celebrating the birth of Master W. Fard Muhammad, who Nation of Islam members believe to be god in person.
X said breaking down historical boundaries is important to create unity. He said focus should be placed on similarities rather than differences within the African-American community.
A van sponsored by the Black Think Tank will leave today from the SIU Arena between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to travel to Chicago for the summit, he said. The summit will end Monday. However, the van will be returning late in the evening on Sunday, X said.