Ruling starts new era for Shawnee
February 26, 1996
I am responding to Dr. Ashby’s letter in Wednesday’s Daily Egyptian about the Shawnee National Forest ruling.
First of all, I become greatly concerned when anyone who has earned the right to call themselves a scientist uses biblical analogies while attempting to prove their point. In my opinion, this is bad science and bad religion.
I would think, Dr. Ashby, that you have noticed that the Shawnee is little more than a handful of green shadings that’s been inundated with highways, cities and farms it astonishes me that it’s still considered a national forest. These environmental groups would probably like the Shawnee to at least look like a national forest before it’s further fragmented.
Of course the forest plan was developed over years of open meetings and public input, but did you ever think this was the problem? It was developed in the past, just like DDT was, and the people in those times thought DDT was a good idea too. The few concerned environmentalists from that era had no political power and their voices had no volume. Like them or not, they’re being heard now and they will not be ignored.
Also, the fact that you have a greater knowledge of forest ecology than most people does not your opinion more significant than any other on this issue. The biomes of the world had an ecology a long time before man stopped flaking flint for a living and decided to give it a name. Some of us would like to be able to visit places where man has left ecology to work its magic undisturbed. Personally, I would rather see the Shawnee burn to the ground than see fields of stumps leftover from the production of palates and oak commode seats.
To me, J. Phil Gilbert’s robe is of the most elegant variety and he is a federal judge that simply saw there was a legal problem with the U.S. Forest Service’s management of the Shawnee. This ruling is fair and legal. I commend the members of R.A.C.E. and the Sierra Club for their efforts. I suggest that you start getting used to legal decisions like this or try to find people who share your opinion and form your own professional organization.