Core taught by Profs and GAs
February 28, 1996
I’m writing in response to an article in the Feb. 23 Daily Egyptian. The article, which discussed the effect of hiring restrictions on the new University Core Curriculum gave the impression that all Core Curriculum classes will be taught by graduate assistants.
While this may be true for some courses, it is not the case for the new FN 101, Nutrition:Contemporary Health Issues. All sections of this course are taught by faculty with expertise in the areas of nutrition and health. For a more in-depth look at what this course has to offer, look at the Internet at http:\www.siu.edudepartmentscogaranimalchausolerfn101hp.hpml.
The intent of the new curriculum was to introduce students to established experts in the field and challenge them to incorporate this new knowledge into their daily lives. Although the old general education nutrition course has always been taught by faculty and has incorporated diversity and interdisciplinary aspects, the animal science, food and nutrition faculty is looking forward to the new core curriculum.
Assistant professor, animal science, food and nutrition