Externship program is valuable
October 27, 1997
I am writing in regards to the lack of coverage the Daily Egyptian has provided about the Externship Program. Those involved know that it is an extremely beneficial program that has received less than its fair share of press. Since many may be unfamiliar with what the externship program is all about, I will explain.
The externship program is set up by the Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Council, in conjunction with the undergraduate collages at SIUC. It is a program for juniors and seniors (and sophomores in an associate program) to intern at a company of their choosing over spring break and to gain valuable work experience. In addition, more than 30 percent of those who have participated have been offered future positions with their sponsors. As one of those who participated last year, I feel that it was such a rewarding experience that I am going to do it again. Besides, this is a great way to go somewhere and do something useful, without blowing a bunch of money.
Another benefit of the externship program is that it provides students with a direct link to alumni of the school. This is because most of the sponsors in the program are companies that SIU alumni work for. In a sense, the program allows past graduates to train future graduates in a real world setting.
It would seem to me that a program that incorporates so many of this university’s most valuable assets could at least get a small mention in the school’s newspaper which is supposed to keep students informed, but seems only interested in which band is playing at the Copper Dragon on Saturday.
My main concern, as a student interested in such beneficial activities, is that the DE finds it more important to devote space to continual comments on the campus parking situation than it does to cover worthwhile programs that can actually aid students’ academic and professional careers. I feel that the money spent producing this publication would be much better utilized informing, rather than whining.