Fumes, frustration found in asphault merry-go-round
October 20, 1997
Has anyone else noticed the vultures on campus this semester? They seem more prevalent this fall than in the past. I am not talking about the large carrion birds that feed on dead animals, but rather the incessant parade of automobiles that patrol the campus parking lots, seeking that ever-elusive parking spot.
It is insane. They drive around, and around, and around searching desperately for a place to park. They undoubtedly waste class time and valuable gas trying to find that spot. I have seen people driving around a lot for 15 to 20 minutes in desperate hope. They remind me of the Shriners, the men who drive the miniature cars, motorcycles or steer magic carpets in parades. I keep hoping one day all the drivers circling the campus lots will fall into formation and start doing tricks for my amusement.
I suspect that most of these people using the luxury of driving to school live within a reasonable distance from campus. Would it not be much easier to invest in a bicycle or a pair of Rollerblades and avoid the headaches of trying to park on campus?
This is not high school a place where you use your vehicle to show off and impress the opposite sex. In college no one really cares what you drive. Many people, like myself, simply chuckle at those who feel the need to park as close to campus buildings as possible for this purpose.
These vultures do not settle for spots in lots far away from campus. They seem to be obsessed with parking so close to everything that they exert as little energy as possible moving around campus without the aid of gas-guzzling machine.
Instead of circling around, getting angry and possibly getting into an accident, these creatures of habit could take a leisurely bike ride to their classes. There are plenty of places on campus to park a bicycle. And if you are like Mr. Stearns, who wrote the Oct. 7 Guest Column, you could make it to campus very quickly riding a 10- speed.
Now if driving students complain about having to drop a couple hundred dollars for a bike or pair of skates, there are some alternatives to consider. Think about how much money was spent on that parking sticker that you use. The stickers usually cost around $30 and that does not include the gas spent driving to and from and around those always-full parking lots.
One also could use the Saluki Express, which is paid for with student fees. Sure students may have to get up a few minutes early to catch the bus, but you have paid for the service anyway. So, why not use it?
Finally, there is the alternative that some people avoid like the plague. Walking. God forbid students take the chance to get out and just walk to class. Using this alternative would give students the chance to get out and enjoy the nice weather before it is gone.
Now I admit, I do drive to campus on occasion. But when I do, I use my vehicle for the purpose of aiding me in my on-campus job. I do not circle parking lots like some sort of lunatic, I simply park in one of the remote lots.
Driving to school is not bad if you live out-of-town or if you have another purpose like a job. But those who abuse the privilege of driving simply because they are lazy look silly driving around hoping to find the phantom parking spot. Don’t you think so?!