Reader wants more info about homosexuality
October 16, 1997
In response to Mr. McCoyne’s statement, It generally is agreed upon by those in the scientific community that people are born gay, (Relative Bromide Oct. 10) I would like to request clarification.
Steve, would you provide the readers of this paper with the information on the genetic cause of homosexuality which caused you, a former anti-homosexual, to change your position? Was this information based upon the findings of a new study? If so, which?
Please understand that I appreciate the frank sincerity of your heartfelt convictions, and I applaud your repentance from hatred. I’d merely like to read what this miracle of learning you referred to consists of. Perhaps sharing the facts that changed your mind would also enlighten those you describe as hav[ing] a hard time dealing with this notion.
Thank you in advance for your response.