The man did it again. Writing all the lyrics, playing all the instruments and singing all the vocals, Brian McKnight’s junior album effort will blow away any person with a heart and a sense of musical talent.

By Gus Bode

Although he is not the originator of the love song, he is sho nuf’ the master. The title track Anytime sticks out as a sensual cry for remembrance of a love lost. Who could not relate to this?

With lyrics like Anything your heart desires let my love provide in I Belong To You, it is easy to understand how McKnight’s name has become a household word for those who truly know the music of rhythm and blues.

Unlike a lot of today’s contrived balladeers who try to portray an image of being oh so cool and singing songs about other fish in the sea, McKnight’s music is true to life and truly moving. You can hear the reality that love is not easy to come by and even harder to keep.


And just when you thought the album was all about love and the heartache that a breakup might bring, McKnight springs in with his tribute to the maker in When The Chariot Comes.

Although he is still very young, McKnight sings with an experience and wisdom that is far beyond his years.

Teaming up with Mase from the top hip hop family in music this year, McKnight has something that will appeal to all of the foot-stomping, head-bopping rhythm rockers of Generation X.

McKnight also does a little bit of sampling to give some old beats new life. Re-mixing the old Nu Shooz cut I Can’t Wait, Brian McKnight makes the Jam Knock.

All in all, McKnight’s sense of style and voice mixes together music that will be listened to over and over again for years to come.
