Speak-up for a belief, don’t turn it into hate

By Gus Bode

First of all, it is not in my nature to lie and steal, although Louis Farrakhan would like to believe so. I want to make that clear for any of those who would like to blame me for their misfortune. For Farrakhan to say he is not racist is a joke and an insult to anyone’s intelligence.

As a student, I feel it is my part to fund all Registered Student Organizations to help them strive to build and maintain active membership. But when an RSO is preaching against me and many others and breaths hatred toward others regardless if it is over the race issue or not, that group doesn’t deserve to be recognized or receive funding from the University.

If people want race to stop being an issue, we need to stop breeding hate groups like the Nation of Islam and KKK and Neo-nazis. This seize in the rise of these groups needs to start with the young people, us. If these hate groups start with us, they will grow with us, and the cycle will never end. USG needs to reconsider its actions and decide whether it did this for a group of people or if it represented SIUC students as a whole. I would like to thank Nate Newcomb for bringing this issue to my attention and speaking up for what he believes could be detrimental in the future for race groups to come (Wednesday’s DE, Students object to Nation’s RSO status). This campus has other things to worry about. This just adds on to the problems problems that will continue to grow.

