I am writing this letter in response to Preference of others still is discrimination. It’s a shame that the writer does not understand or appreciate the value of diversity.

By Gus Bode

Diversity means Polish, Hispanic, African-American, Asian, women everyone. Instead of complaining about not having Polish representation and Polish celebrations, why doesn’t he do something positive to change it? Attacking other organizations is not the answer. Every organization he singled out particularly the Hispanic Law Student Association welcomes everyone. Some of our hardest workers are non-Hispanic members.

His grandfather was lucky to be able to escape to another country to avoid discrimination. His grandmother was also lucky to be able to pretend she was German. I cannot pretend to be anything but Hispanic nor would I want to my brown face gives it away every time. My brothers and sisters of African-American decent are in the same situation.

As recently as last year I walked into an area store with my children and had to demand service because the salespeople were unwilling to give it. This was not the first incident for me. If people have never had to experience this type of treatment, maybe they could appreciate the need to have cultural celebrations to educate the public.


Making blanket statements to incite anger, fear and prejudice is wrong. Equally, no one should be entitled to get a job or a grant because of the color of his or her skin. However, some types of allowances should be made for income. A person who is denied membership in a country club cannot be on an equal playing field as the person who is living in poverty regardless of his or her race.
