Warning sign only short-term fix

By Gus Bode

by Bryan F. Weems

I am usually not one to rattle any cages, but I feel I must respond to your Oct. 20 editorial.

I disagree with your premise about placing a warning at the intersection of U.S. 51 and Makanda Road. As a writer implied Oct. 23 (letter to the editor, Makanda intersection is not a death trap’ ), a warning light such as those at U.S. 51 and Cobden Road, or Old Route 13 and Country Club Road may only be a short-term fix at best. Under normal conditions, there is good visibility in all directions. Therefore, any action taken by the Illinois Department of Transportation would be totally at its discretion.


In order to save lives, perhaps drivers should simply remember the practices it took to get their license in the first place.

Perhaps in the future, you and your staff will resist going with the easy emotional appeal and do a little fact-finding before publishing your consensus of opinion.
