Edgar signs aid bill increasing funding for poor schools
December 7, 1997
With a needy DeSoto Elementary School as his backdrop, Gov. Jim Edgar signed what he terms an historic school-aid bill Thursday, providing Southern Illinois schools like DeSoto with a modest increase in funding.
The package establishes a foundation funding level for the state’s poorest school districts at $4,225 per student in 1998, increasing in $100 increments over the next three years. Funds will total $485 million to accomplish this task, with an extra $1.4 billion appropriation toward school construction bonds. It also implements several controversial education reforms, including the extension of the probationary period for tenure, making it harder for educators to renew their teaching certificates and the reworking of administrators contract so that they are performance-based.
The needed revenue will come from an increase in cigarette, casino and telecommunications taxes, and the institution of a deadbeat tax penalty.