New political speaker coming to SIUC
January 21, 1998
How dare he come to our campus!
This was the sentiment of most campus liberals when the College Republicans brought Lt. Col. Oliver North to SIUC last semester.
Well liberals, get ready to whine, bellyache, and make general fools of yourself all over again. SIUC will soon have the chance to hear from another dynamic, nationally known conservative speaker.
David Horowitz will be speaking at the University Museum Auditorium Jan. 28 at 7 p.m.
Horowitz’s visit will be especially unsettling to campus leftists because Horowitz used to be one of them. Correction, he used to be their leader!
During the ’60s Horowitz was an editor of Ramparts (the leading newspaper of the radical student movement), an organizer of civil unrest on college campuses and even an outspoken supporter of the Black Panther Party and their brutal, heavy fisted tactics.
However, something happened to this radical son as he matured. Horowitz saw the error of his ways.
Being on the inside of the New Left movement, Horowitz began to see liberalism for what it really is:a morally and intellectually bankrupt ideology that seeks to replace citizens’ personal liberties with destructive, big-government programs. This includes the federal welfare system, Affirmative Action, and an oppressive tax code.
Horowitz is now an outspoken critic of the left and travels to college campuses across the nation speaking on the destructive nature of liberalism and the dangers it poses to America. He is a captivating speaker and is sure to provide a needed balance in the education that students at SIUC receive.
Do not let this opportunity to hear such a unique speaker pass you by. Open your mind and get a new perspective on the 1960s from a man who was in the middle of the turmoil. Be at the University Museum Auditorium Jan. 28 for an evening you will not soon forget.
Graduate Student in history