Athletic fee does not benefit all students

By Gus Bode

I find myself more opposed to the use of student fees for athletics than I was before I read the editorial (Feb. 13). First, when did the Daily Egyptian become moderator of campus issues? The DE has the right to its collective opinion, but it does not have the right to suggest which issues are more pressing. I can think for myself, thank you.

Second, my opposition to the athletic fee increase is as follows:The athletic fee benefits a small group of individuals, basically the fee subsidizes a farm system for the NFL and NBA. These organizations should put up the scholarship money, not the students.

The Athletic Department has run up a deficit of $380,000. Its reward for this fiscal irresponsibility is to have this debt retired by the magic of the student fee tooth fairy.


The DE also mentioned that other universities have much higher student fees. But how much is each student forced to contribute to the athletic departments of those universities?

The Athletic Department and SIUC must realize that the times have changed. No longer is the football game on Saturday afternoon the high point of campus life. One only needs to view the stands during a home game to confirm this observation.

The Athletic Department at SIUC should tighten its belt. A few lean years may reinforce the concept of a budget. The department should be held accountable for the $380,000 and no additional funds should be considered until this debt is retired.

I hate to call the athletic department frivolous, many students enjoy the events provided by the Athletic Department; however, the student fee should be used for services that benefit all (health) or for emergencies to keep the University running (the power crisis). Looking to the students to bail out every department that can’t follow a budget is no way to run a university.
