Proposed athletic fee increase may meet protest

By Gus Bode

Daily Egyptian Politics Editor

A possible protest may accompany the Undergraduate Student Government meeting Wednesday night as USG senators discuss a bill to oppose an increase in the student athletic fee.

Rob Taylor, a spokesman for Students Organized Against the Athletic Fee Increase, is spearheading a movement to bring students to the meeting.


SOAAFI’s choice is that there be absolutely no fee increase for fiscal year 2000, Taylor said.

The SIUC Board of Trustees approved an $80, four-year increase in the athletic fee in June. The approval circumvented a $20, one-year increase compromise between SIUC Chancellor Donald Beggs, USG President Dave Vingren and Graduate and Professional Student Council President Tim Hoerman.

The compromise also was to include a campus-wide survey of students during the fall semester.

Since the board’s decision, Beggs has scrutinized the Athletic Department’s proposed budget and reduced the increase. He now proposes a $60, four-year increase.

In January, GPSC unanimously voted to oppose Beggs’ suggestion. Two weeks ago, USG Senator Chet Lunsford submitted a revision of the GPSC resolution to the USG agenda. The resolution was struck from the agenda.

However, Lunsford now is bringing the resolution back.

Coinciding with the reintroduction of the resolution is a large number of fliers that have appeared across campus. The fliers, some of which lampoon Vingren, are the products of SOAFFI.


Lunsford said he hopes the interest generated by the fliers will prompt a large student crowd to voice opinions, either in protest or in favor of the athletic fee increase, at the USG meeting Wednesday.

I would love it if everybody comes and puts in their two cents, he said. Hopefully there will be a large turnout.

Lunsford originally submitted the resolution along with several other USG senators, but he now is the only remaining senator sponsoring the legislation.

I strongly opposed the increase last year, and I intend to maintain that position, he said.

Joyce Newby, chairwoman of USG’s Finance Committee, said she originally co-sponsored the bill, but she has since removed her name and support from it.

I think the resolution, as it appears now, is a little misleading, she said.

If a large number of concerned students attend to protest the fee increase, Vingren said they likely will settle down after listening to presentations by Beggs, Athletic Department Director Jim Hart and Athletic Department Associate Director Charlotte West.

I think the fliers have gotten a good response, and I think it will be a matter of having students sit down and informing them about where their money is going, Vingren said.
