September is National Hispanic Heritage Month, November is National American Indian Heritage Month, May is Asian Heritage Month and February is Black History Month. Each of these months serves a distinct purpose to recognize the achievements and contributions of all the cultures of the world in their relationship to the United States.

By Gus Bode

The United States as a country could not exist without the contributions of all the people that exist within its borders. For whatever reasons, many contributions of individuals have been overlooked. Therefore, there are certain periods that are set aside to honor and learn about these different groups of individuals. Unfortunately, many do not take the opportunity to seize this chance to learn.

This lack of involvement in the festivities spans the spectrum from members of the honored groups not taking the time to learn their personal roots to those outside feeling they have nothing to gain because the activities are just for those honored.

Black History Month is not just for African-Americans, it is for all people to gain insight and knowledge of a specific group of individuals their trials and tribulations and especially their triumphs as a people. This month should be looked at as a free history course. SIUC’s Black Affairs Council is sponsoring all types of events with some of the most important being speakers such as Jessica Care Moore, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Muhammed Akil. If such people were teaching classes here on campus, it would be extremely difficult to get enrolled in those classes not to mention what it would cost in tuition dollars.


As a side note, it should be mentioned that not only is SIUC taking an active part in observing Black History Month, but starting February 7, SIUC will begin the International Festival 1998 which is celebrating 50 years of international students attending SIUC. That makes this month twice as enlightening.

Their is a huge misconception as to who this month is geared toward, but the answer is simple:It is for everyone. But the lack of participation in these types of events goes far past the end of February or any other month designated as a month of remembrance. People as a whole should take the time to learn about others around them the United States especially because our country is such a diverse mix of people. Although this acquisition of knowledge should be a year-long commitment, it is months like this, Black History Month, that provide great stepping stones.
