On March 5, I resigned as the College of Liberal Arts representative to the Faculty Association. I spelled out my reasons in a letter to the association leadership, representatives and COLA faculty. I would like to thank those who expressed their support for me. There is hope for those of us who still believe in the ideals of collegiality, mutual respect and in the University as a self-governing i

By Gus Bode

The faculty association is getting ready for its first round of informational picketing on Monday. The leadership believes this is warranted because of the painfully slow progress on the contract. I believe such tactics are unwarranted and can only harm SIUC’s image at a time when recruitment is crucial. Also, there is great confusion about the reliability of the association’s informational claims. Before resorting to picketing and disseminating questionable factual claims, I appeal to association leaders to do two things.

First, there should be an open discussion on the SIUC budget between selected administration and association members. There are two very different interpretations of the realities and possibilities of the budget. The only way left to get both parties working from a common basis is to obtain agreement on these facts. The discussion should be conducted in the highest tone of professional respect and courtesy.

Second, swift progress on the contract would be achieved if association and administration leaders allow Margaret Winters and Kay Carr to draft a proposed contract in private, which would then be openly submitted to both bargaining teams. There is much wasted time to be made up for. Rational, cooperative, collegial discussion is likely to accomplish far more than association and administration lawyers checking every proposal as it is made or than half-informed confrontational tactics that damage SIUC’s image, alienate colleagues and fix nothing.


I urge an open-forum debate on the SIUC budget. I urge that Margaret Winters and Kay Carr be allowed to draft a proposed contract. I urge that the association postpone its plans for picketing. Faculty endorsing this proposal should convey their support to both administration and association leaders.
