Taylor takes SOAAFI appeal to SIU trustees

By Gus Bode

In a last-ditch appeal to sway the proposed athletic fee increase, former Students Organized Against the Athletic Fee Increase spokesman and Undergraduate Student Government presidential candidate Rob Taylor addressed the Board of Trustees on behalf of students who oppose the athletic fee increase.

Taylor, who recently told the Daily Egyptian he stepped down as SOAAFI’s leader, presented the board with a petition of over 1,000 signatures from students opposed to the fee increase.

Taylor told the DE earlier this week that former USG. Sen. Chet Lunsford has taken his place at the head of SOAAFI.


Chet was unable to attend to go, and since I had the experience doing it they asked me to make a cameo appearance, Taylor said prior to the USG presidential debate Thursday night.

Taylor told the Board of Trustees there is a consensus among much of the student body that the board does not acknowledge or welcome student input on issues such as fee increases.

Board Chairman A. D. Van Meter contradicted Taylor’s statement saying the student’s interests are one of the board’s highest priorities.

The board’s greatest concern is the students, Van Meter said. We ask for and encourage student input.

He said the board is very open and receptive to all constituencies but said the board must consider what is best for the University as a whole.

Because of the decision made by the University to remain a Division I school, the trustees believe it is necessary to fully fund the athletic program.

Beggs said if the University is to remain Division I, it must make an effort to be competitive as a Division I school.


We are trying to find a balance, Trustee Molly D’Esposito said. We have set objectives and we must reach through those in a reasonable way.

The BOT will vote on the athletic fee increase as well as several other fee increases at the May 14 meeting.
