Influential scholar to speak at Journalism Week

By Gus Bode

John Seigenthaler, founder and chairman of the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University, will speak on campus today about First Amendment Issues.

The presentation, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. at the Lesar Law School Auditorium, is sponsored by the SIUC School of Journalism. Seigenthaler also is the featured speaker at the school’s 51st annual awards banquet Thursday at the Carbondale Civic Center, 200 S. Illinois.

Seigenthaler was an aide to Attorney General Robert Kennedy during the civil rights era and editor and publisher of the Nashville Tennesean before he founded the First Amendment Center. He also was the first opinion page editor of USA Today.


For information, contact the School of Journalism at 453-3361.
