USG experience means Progress – Progress Party
April 12, 1998
Kristie Ayres and Jackie Smith
If this were real politics, we’d be using this column to paint a picture of the perfect world that could exist only if we were elected. We’d probably make pie-in-the-sky promises, speak of problems we had no power to fix and have celebrity endorsements tell you how great we are.
Lucky for you, this is campus politics and these sorts of tactics just won’t work. So we’ll ask you to look back over our past accomplishments. We’ll give you our solid plans for improvements and ask you to endorse us yourself, with your vote.
We came to SIUC, like you, to get an education. We saw the problems on campus, and instead of accepting that we had no say, we decided to get involved and MAKE REAL CHANGE! Over the past two years we have worked within the Student Senate and executive branch of USG to further your interests.
During our time involved, we have helped bring about a plan to drastically improve technology on this campus for all students. We have formed a Landlord/Tenant Union to address and fight for students’ rights against their landlords in Carbondale. As a team with our fellow student leaders, we registered students to vote in the local elections and encouraged you to oust the anti-student regime that controlled the city.
Each of these projects took dedication and time, as well as the ability to prove to the administration that students DEMANDED to see these improvements on THEIR campus. It wasn’t easy, but we did it! You must have credible people with knowledgeable arguments spearheading your efforts at change if you want success.
What you need for next year are plans, not dreams. Once elected, we plan to put into action the ideas and suggestions we have formed, as well as give you results to the problems you bring to us, not just a sympathetic ear. For example, a technology plan is in place. You need students that understand the complexity of the issues to argue the usefulness of immediate action and the implementation to the administration.
Our competitors think that you should either be stuck paying for all of the improvements or that there is no problem with technology on this campus! That’s right, we’re the only team that realizes the importance of your money to you, as well as the necessity of state-of-the-art computers and software.
We will force the administration to exhaust all options in the funding of new computers. We demand that they find corporate sponsors, make internal cuts of frivolous expenses and look to our alumni before they even consider asking the students to pay ONE CENT for new technology! You already pay for a quality education and modern technology should be a part of that cost, not an addition to it!
You know what issues are important to you! Vote for the team that can get the most done. Credible people with knowledgeable arguments can best represent you needs.