Dear Editor:I’d like to join in the great “DRIVE OR NOT” debate.

By Gus Bode

First of all, it is ridiculous to assume all students have a choice in whether they should walk, bike, take the bus or drive. Many students live far enough from campus that walking is difficult or time consuming. I live on Warren Road (near Giant City Road). Although walking to campus is possible, it takes at least an hour and is physically demanding, especially if I am loaded down with books. Biking would be quicker, but Pleasant Hill Road is narrow, hilly and dangerous, with many speeding cars going by. The other route, on Park Street, has a giant hill that is difficult to climb. The Saluki Express is my reluctant option on many days. The Saluki Express is scheduled to reach my stop at 29 minutes after the hour. Occasionally it’s early, often up to 10 to 20 minutes late, and several times last semester in the first hour of the morning, it didn’t come at all.

How can this University expect students to get to class on time if they are counting on their bus to get to the student union at 46 minutes after the hour but it doesn’t arrive until 56, and still have to walk to class? Typically, I ride the bus in the hour before I’ve got class so I can make sure I’m there on time – so I leave at 10:20 to be at a 12:00 class! Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful the Saluki Express is there. There are times, however, when I simply cannot take it and must bum a ride. If I’ve got to teach an 8:00 am class, I can’t depend on the Saluki Express. Driving or getting a ride is then my only option. Simplifying the routes, adding earlier start times, and possibly changing the schedule to get busses to campus earlier each hour would definitely help the reluctant bus riders.

