USG plans to review Student Conduct Code at meeting tonight

By Gus Bode

Fine Arts Fee is another item on agenda

Factoid:If students are interested in these issues or have information pertaining to them, come to the meeting tonight at the Student Center Ballroom B, from 7 to 11 p.m.

The Undergraduate Student Government will be reviewing potential revisions to be made to the Student Conduct Code tonight at 7 p.m.


College of Liberal Arts Senator Erik Wiatr said the language in the Student Conduct Code is loose and can be interpreted by University officials however they want.

Wiatr said he is concerned that if the University continues to inject itself into the personal life of the students more and more, students may choose to pursue their education elsewhere.

“I would like to see the students of this University be given some basic rights we are denied in the Student Conduct Code,” Wiatr said. “We are just hoping to avoid abuses of power by the administration by making the language more explicit.”

In the first resolution, Wiatr stated the University Administration could sanction a student for disciplinary action that has taken place off campus, outside their jurisdiction, even if the charges against him or her has been dropped by federal, state, or local authorities.

This is the equivalent to “double jeopardy,” but the University Judicial Board is not legally recognized, so the double jeopardy law does not bind it.

Wiatr is also concerned that sanctions imposed by the University do not affect all students the same way.

According to the Student Conduct Code:”If a student is placed on disciplinary probation for any reason, they may be exempt from extracurricular activities and may result in loss of financial aid.”


These sanctions have a harsher effect on poorer students because they will be more likely to depend on financial aid than financially stable students, Wiatr said.

He would like to see the words, “may result in loss of financial aid” be stricken from the Student Conduct Code completely.

Neal Young, vice president of the USG, stresses the function of the USG is not to propose legislation or push for legislation one way or another.

“We are here to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, that everyone gets a say and no one is getting too much of what they want,” Young said.

Separate from the issues of the Student Conduct Code is the issue of fine arts funding, which the USG will discuss at their meeting tonight.

The fine arts are funded with student fee money, and the USG, along with the Graduate and Professional Student Council, feel they should be responsible for electing students to the Fine Arts Committee that would allocate the money, instead of the current proposition that faculty members elect seven of the 10 members.

Other items on the agenda for tonight are the announcement of a new senator from the College of Science, Crystal Gardner, and the presentation of a commissioner report from Ray Gilmer of City Affairs.

As the official voice of the student body, the USG would like to hear the opinions of every student if they have any concerns at all.

If students would like to talk to their representatives in the USG or the GPSC, they can visit the third floor of the Student Center or attend any of their bi-weekly meetings, which are open to all students.

Reporter Jack Thrasher can be reached [email protected]
