USG continues shakedown of Student Conduct Code

By Gus Bode

Two more resolutions to change the Student Conduct Code will be introduced to senators at the meeting today

Undergraduate Student Government Senator Eric Wiatr will introduce two resolutions to the Senate proposing changes to the Student Conduct Code at the meeting today at 6 p.m. in Ballroom B at the Student Center.

One of these resolutions concerns the appeals process for students accused of violations to University rules.


It resolves that students will be allowed two weeks to file an appeal after receiving notification of the decision for a formal adjudication instead of the current five-day window.

The resolution also states that the chancellor will not appoint members of the Advisory Review Board, the group to which students appeal University decisions. The rationale for this part of the proposal is that a board selected by the chancellor would be a conflict of interest in the appeal process.

This resolution seeks to empower student constituency bodies to select the two undergraduate and two graduate student members of the Advisory Review Board.

The second Conduct Code resolution addresses the rights of the accused. The proposed changes would allow students the right to be shown evidence against them and the right to use his adviser during and outside hearings. The resolution also mandates that judicial affairs inform the accused of his rights verbally and in writing.

“None of these things are allowed under the Student Conduct Code,” said USG Vice President Neal Young. “These are the rules of procedure in civil society.”

West Side Senator Andrew Jackson will introduce a resolution concerning undergraduate representation in University committees. This resolution addresses the selection of undergraduate students for the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee and the Southern at 150 Committee without consultation or ratification by the USG Senate.

“This flies in the face of shared governance,” Young said.


Jackson agreed and said in his resolution that these appointments are in violation of Shared Governance, an agreement between administrators and student constituency bodies to work together in decision-making on campus. The resolution says that USG alone will select members for committees requesting student constituency input.

Young said that it appears the administration is trying to select a group of students and then send them to USG to ratify their appointment.

“We are definitely not going to let that happen,” Young said.

A new version of a previously failed bill to replace the North pedestrian bridge will also be introduced to senators today.

Senators Paul Ray, Peter Normand and Patrick Richey will introduce the revised bill that lacks some of the specific conditions of the last proposal.

The points that remain make up the new bill. Some of these points state that students and faculty will design the bridge and it shall be compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The bill also proposes that the bridge be twice as wide as the current walkway and emergency call boxes placed on both sides of the bridge.

After the Sept. 4 USG meeting, the date the first bill failed, submitter Ray said he wants to use in-house contributions to land use design to keep design costs low.

Reporter Evan Rau can be reached at [email protected]
